Completely accurate

Completely accurate.

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Korea is the only acceptable choice.

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i will now buy your game

>putting f*moids in the game at all

I think all options should be available. Provided the American MMO style female be replaced with a tomboy

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How would Chinese version look like

There are Korean games?

I'd hardly call them "games".

spoken like a faggot

Yes, nearly every month one korean mmo shuts down and two take its place.

Like whichever one they're ripping off

Bottom left healer is perfection. If only mmo's were actually good I'd play one.

Yes you are

Korean MMO boys are cute.

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yes you fucking zoomer

Fixed for you.

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100% accurate


Was waiting for this.

Why do you people always have to pick sides like this?
If a game is good, I don't give a shit how the characters look. Granted, characters looking good is one aspect that makes a good game, but either having masculine males and females or petite males and females on a good game, there should be nothing to complain.

I fucking hate you people, always dividing everybody instead of trying to find common ground. Keep fighting for an eternity for all I care, fucking neanderthals.

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haha what kind of faggy game would have the bottom left character

I need some names so I can avoid them


put manly face on girl body for western female and it's perfect

Judging something by it's looks is literally the most normal thing imaginable. Sorry that it upsets you user.

Yes, and that is how you'll always remain, "normal". Not everyone can achieve a higher consciousness

normal doesn't mean best or most logical

Should have taken the korean male's head though you nigger

with sephiroth and iron man as selectable characters

>the male character is Goku
>the female character is Elsa from Frozen

You wish homo.

ragnarok online is korean user

Sorry you weren't blessed with attractiveness user. Maybe you'll get lucky in the next life.

Korean is perfection