What would a Druckmann-Kojima Production be like?
What would a Druckmann-Kojima Production be like?
yourm other
it's called Naughty Dog
The bait and switch protagonist shit is a worse version of MGS2's twist
a psychological thriller where you unlock the secrets of "camera"
Death Stranding + TLoU = The Death of Us. How fitting.
rent free
>expostion dialogue with lesbians
So basically Life is Strange with just a little bit more gameplay
A very good game that would just obliterate Zig Forums's asses
No one will fund them after the Death Stranding and TLoU 2 blunders
Tranny mechs.
Double Shit
probably this
It would never happen because Druckmann thinks Kojima's characters are problematic
>photorealistic graphix
>polished animations
>hollywood actors in every role
>at least one actress that Kojima fancies
>at least one actress (?) that Druckmann fancies
>plot is a convoluted, tonally inconsistent mess
>liveleak-tier female-focused violence
>weird off-putting concepts that only Kojima and Druckmann find appealing
>a character who pisses and/or shits themself
>war = bad
>nukes = bad
>revenge = bad
>embarrassingly high employee turnover rate
Something like that.
Never gona happen.
The jew fears the Samurai.
Yukio Mishima Simulator 2021
It would never happen.
An absolute bore.
based, Kojimbob is a Samurai saving the industry from jews like Druckmann
Druckman would pressure Kojima into turning every character into a woman or a tranny.
>secret ending where you win if you don't even pick up the controller for the first 5 hours of 'gameplay'
The plot is that intervening in stuff or generally giving a shit is bad or something
>Start TLoU2
>"Episode 51"
>Druckmann and Kojima actually swapped places years ago, and Druckmann made MGSV
>The ruse is finally complete
Kojima doesn't think games are art, so they would probably kill each other.
>On the morning of 25 November, the group drove to the Japan Self-Defense Force's Ichigaya garrison on the pretext of a friendly visit. They barricaded themselves inside General Mashita's office, taking him prisoner, and issued demands. At noon, Mishima began to make a speech from the balcony to assembled troops, but his words were drowned out by helicopters and he spoke only briefly. Immediately after his return from the balcony, Mishima stabbed himself in the abdomen and Morita then attempted to behead him. After three failed attempts by Morita, Hiroyasu Koga stepped in and beheaded Mishima. Afterwards Morita stabbed himself in the abdomen and Koga beheaded him as well.
These exact events but they're all cyborg catgirls
It would never release.
It would subvert the expectations of actually being released
40 hours of ugly LGBTs philosophizing and crushing each others' skulls interspersed with 5 hours of "gameplay"
ask me that when david cage is thrown into the mix
>climax of the game is just the main character botching their primary objective and then immediately rage quitting from life
>end credits is just a video of Kojima and Druckmann, in full blackface, pointing at the camera and laughing
Did you rike it?
Druckmann and Kojima have incompatible views on video games. Someone like David Cage would be more Niel's speed
The Real MGS V. First part you play as Big Boss doing missions, the second half you are a young Solid Snake hunting Big Boss.
the most convoluted, complex, and pretentious LGTQBBQPlus agenda push ever created.
>a Druckmann/Cage production
Imagine all the attempted rape scenes.