What would you want to see in a hypothetical Mario Kart 9?
Does Tour have any good ideas that could be implemented?
What would you want to see in a hypothetical Mario Kart 9?
Does Tour have any good ideas that could be implemented?
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some sort of 'story' mode with an actual story where you race on the circut starting off on the lowest end with the worst cars. slowly unlock/upgrade cars as you play thought the story mode. Largers courses with faster CC speeds. A battle royal mode not unlike the one in Kirbies Airride.
Tracks that aren't in any other Mario Kart. Online that isn't a large mess and can actually detect hits. Options to turn off items for online races. Just more structure for online match making overall. Make Daisy's butt bigger.
an attempt to outdo CTR's roster and less aggressive item mechanics so I can race for longer than 10 seconds without getting shelled
The problem with that roster is that half of them are just re-skins of eachother. CTR has the same problem.
>Make Daisy's butt bigger.
THere is lewd fan-art for this. It is not Nintendo's responsability to adhere to your sexual appetite.
Op asked what I wanted and I stated it. I dont expect any, or even one of these, to actually be implemented.
for me, it's pac-man
>Does Tour have any good ideas that could be implemented?
Absolutely. There's good new and returning characters, nice looking alts (as long as they're skins and not fucking taking up character slots) and reverse tracks.
tfw tiptup is in banjo-kazooie, banjo-tooie, diddy kong racing, diddy kong racing DS, and banjo pilot
>espresso the ostrich is in banjo pilot, a 2005 GBA game.
>tfw when people like phil spencer and rare talk about how at its heart banjo is a nintendo franchise, it's because they are still canonically part of the donkey kong universe, and ergo the extended mario universe
>tfw this is probably why rare and microsoft don't really like using the old designs or doing anything with the character.
>tfw this is definitely 100% why the diddy kong racing characters are in video game hell to the point ownership is vague rare owns them
Tube tracks, N64 battle mode stages, DS battle mode stages, mission mode, better unlock system, better kart parts with more in depth kart and character customization, offroading
Yeah, kinda like how you race bosses in Diddy Kong Racing
mk8d has 3 marios, 3 peaches, and 8 bowser jr's. there's no reason to not just pump the roster and let people enjoy their favourites when other games took the risk first and and showed that it's viable.
Just make a 1:1 copy of MK7s gameplay but with all new tracks. Or the same thing but with MK8. Double items are stupid and almost completely useless.
>Mario only characters
>add skins so the roster isnt cluttered
>Stop ruining the gimmicks of retro tracks by implimenting the gliding and swimming mechanic (in koopa cape you glide over most of the river, and they turned the tunnel into a swimming section which ruined the gimmick of staying in the water too boost)
>bring back the weird looking karts
>make 150cc harder, tired of being bored in first place for the entire track only to be hit with 3 blue shells the last lap
>lower frequency of blue shells
>fuck off lighting
>add back snaking
>return of Diddy and Birdo
>gets Peachette, Pauline, Hammer Bro family and Monty Mole
Feels like Tour is trying to walk a very fine line between "add new-to-franchise characters so people spend money" and "don't add TOO many as to entice people to not buy later console Mario Karts"
>so the roster isnt cluttered
What the fuck does that even mean? Just pick the character you want, what's the downside of having characters there? It takes you 2 seconds longer to cycle through? Jesus.
>Dry Bones
>Dry Bowser
Almost perfect
>metal mario
>tanooki mario
>baby mario
>pink gold peach
>cat peach
>baby peach
>whats the downside
idk, retard. maybe its fucking ugly?
>its fucking ugly
Really? That's your downside? It's ugly to look at? Nevermind how debatable that is. Are you gay?
crash team racing has 175 drivers if you count skins. skins avoid the clutter and let you add a lot of otherwise unaddable shit.
I want more stuff happening in the background of stages.
I think this is probably the best way to get people to jump from MK8 to MK9.
I just want them to wait until the Switch 2 and greatly increase the graphics and effects. They could definitely do a great snowing ice level with a ~2tflop gpu for example. I'd also like them to reference other Nintendo series more like the Animal Crossing and Zelda stage. A Pikmin stage would be wonderful.
I want costumes like MKTour and CTR have. Mario Odyssey already had a bunch of costumes for Mario and Peach.
I want only Mario, Yoshi, DK, and maybe Wario characters instead of Link or the ugly dog from Animal Crossing.
Finally, I want HD Daisy Hills and Toad's Factory.
This is a bit over the top but I like it.
Pauline, Diddy, Birdo, Nabbit, and Wiggler need to be in at a minimum though.
>no dr. fire peach
it's shit
>1st place in a tight race
>red shell'd by 2nd place
>red shelled' by 3rd place
>end up in 6th place with 3/4 lap left
it really tiresome after awhile.
>Add back Snaking
Based, but you know that Nintenbabbies would seethe.
Shit like this happens and sometimes I wonder if staying back on purpose is the way to go. Most of the time I decide to just try my best though and defend how I can.
>no cpt. Falcon
Come on user you are better than this
>be in 1st because I'm not shit
>never get hit by shells because you can hold an item behind you to take the hit
>blue shells are shit too because the speaker item destroys them
Just stop being bad.