Any genuinely funny ''comedy'' games?

Any genuinely funny ''comedy'' games?

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No, none that I can think of. No game that tries to be funny really is funny. They're too big to be funny and they tend to stray towards safe retarded humor like borderlands.

I liked tales from the borderlands, but i might have shit taste so beware.



I dont think that's even a genre for gaming, I cant ever recall getting a belly laugh from a game

It’s obviously not a “comedy” game, but I think GTA V was funny at times niggaaaaa

There has never really been a game that made a laugh because of humor.
If I laugh at a game, it's because of something unintentional like a glitch causing a character's face to spaz out or something.

Stubs the zombie

South Part SoT. Second went too far

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>Second went too far
Pussy. And yeah, I remember watching my roommate play Fractured But Whole and we were laughing at certain things in the game.

The weird thing is, I'm sure if you went back in time and actually took photos of Roman soldier's faces during a battle, this is probably what many of them would actually look like.
A lot of them would be sleep-deprived, scared out of their mind, developing PTSD, etc.


South Park games
Manual Samuel
Bards Tale
Serious Sam
The golden circle
GTA or Farcry with friends is kino fuckery

GTA V was pretty funny.
Too funny.
So funny it kinda went out of its way to sacrifice any semblance of a good story to tell funny jokes about how many assholes live in SoCal.
But I’d still reccomend it if you wanna laugh.

glitches are the most funny things in games

I played an indie game on XBLA a few years ago called "DLC Quest". It was pretty funny, but a lot of the humor was topical at the time, so it probably wouldn't land nowadays.

Jazzpunk is funny if you like pun-based comedy

Its when the gay shoves entire enemys up his asshole. And theres a trophy to spawn Jesus while doing battle inside the gay mans asshole like wtf

LucasArts games

Try journey to the savage planet

Surgeon Simulator, Gang Beasts, mostly just a bunch of physics games. Not saying they’re actually funny and will make you laugh, just the closest thing to a “comedy” game you’re going to get.

Saints Row 4 nigga

It’s not real life, it’s all going to be okay user

say what you want but portal 2 is hilarious

GTA V tries too hard at times. San Andreas and RDR1 are way funnier

West of Loathing tries to be funny and kinda succeeds. I can't say I remember laughing out loud much though, it's just very silly but not in a particularly cringey way. In my experience, the funniest games are things like Human Fall Flat, ragdoll physics + co-op with the boys will make you giggle like nothing else.

Yeah well, i still have a limit. If you like to fuck your roommate while he plays South Park. I don't wanna know

Well then get off of Zig Forums, faggot

What the fuck were they thinking when they made the chocking scene, this is nothing short of comedy gold with that face she has, did they actually think this would make people sad

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Conker, but mainly within a certain context. It's less the crude/scatalogical humor / movie parodies and more the idea of Rare's devs being sick to death of making cute platformers.

Destroy All Humans and Max Payne