Fun fact: Asuka is in Super Smash Bros. She's just disguised as your favorite character.
Fun fact: Asuka is in Super Smash Bros. She's just disguised as your favorite character
Fun fact: OP is a faggot. ________________________________________________________
That was uncalled for.
Can't disguise herself if her series is dead.
Maybe this wouldn't have happened if there was more to your games than cute girls. You gotta have a balance of qualites.
I want to hug Asuka!
pink greninja is actually asuka
the 3DS games struck that balance though. that's what enabled SK to take off in the first place. then it just became a caricature of itself
you're right
i'm sorry user
Is that why she has no presence?
Check out this 81 year old ninja!
Blame Sony.
The series decline can be charted all the way back to the fucking Vita, user. So even before 7Even got thrown into a fire pit, SK as a whole wound up degenerating because the cutesy fanservice aspect sold the bigger bucks. Nitroplus Blasterz we get Homura and now with the series basically a husk of its former self we get Yumi in BBTag.
Homura represents the height of the series, and ultimately is why she was flanderized and dumped in a bin for Yumi who represents the decline. It's fucking depressing.
Mainly because 2 didn't sell; moreover didn't sell anywhere near as well as SV did.
Which is a shame since that's the game they put the most effort into. Yeah, it still had some problems like the abundance of armored enemies and it still not being up there with the likes of Final Fight. But you could still see the love and care they put into it.
So it all comes back to the crippling case of Stockholm syndrome in AA-and-a-half Japanese devs?
Apparently Burst Renewel was even better than the Versus titles at what they were meant to do and Takaki was planning to go back to the Burst/Deep Crimson style of narrative with 7Even.
So naturally 7Even gets canned because of Sony and all we're left with is a gacha game.
Partially that, partially .
7even was supposed to be a return to form and yet it was at the wrong place at the wrong time because Sony handed the reins to "We know better than you" California who said it would have to be entirely canned. This is after they has to scrap everything once before as it is.
Don't give up hope yet, boys
So it's gonna be on PS5?
Probably, but I don't see why it wouldn't be on steam as well.
I just want a genuinely grimdark Senran game
You shouldn't be. He is a pretty big faggot
Miyabi solo spin-off character action game sounds good
Wow, this is so rude. But you’re still right
Isnt this the famitsu thing we were supposedly supposed to get this past week?
user, its dead okay?
I mean follow a different protagonist who's the opposite of Yumi.
>Everyone hates her because of her downer mood
>Had an extremely abusive childhood
>Much weaker than everyone else, due to apparent physical scarring
>Game plays like fucking Manhunt as she sneakily picks off the bad guys one by one
By that, I mean that she sort of looks like this:
Plot twist: wrong Asuka
You sold me with new Manhunt.
I don't know what it's for in the slightest.
But as far as I'm concerned the only thing that needs to die around here is your defeatist attitude.
Id rather it stay dead than be presented with a husk of its former self as if nothing was wrong.
More constructively, who could save the franchise? Who else is there that does action that isnt Koei or Platinum thatd actually be mildly willing to even use the SK IP?
I think it'd be pretty hilarious if Itakagi jumped on board
I agree I'd rather see it die than remain in gacha hell, and until I saw that tweet I was convinced it was dead.
But if they still say that 7even is on the table who am I to call them liars?
But Asuka is my favorite character.
Well, who's your favorite Smash character?