How many times have you dropped this?

how many times have you dropped this?

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Never, because I don't take it outside like a twat.

zero times


is there any reason to not play this in portable mode? got one a month ago and have never used the dock its just so comfy laying around playing it

it's recommended for heavier games

I'm not a fucking child and if I'm transporting it it's in a case

whats an example of a heavier game? like botw or xenoblade?

botw has better frames on handheld and a sharper image

Twice. The first time part of my joycon came apart and I had to order a special screwdriver just to open the screws and put it back together.

So you dont have to use the fucking joycons

games that require more power devour the handheld's battery in 2 hours

Never. I'm really careful with this little fucker. Especially nowadays since it's a pain in the ass to find another Switch console due to the 'rona.

My jocons wiggle

I'm so OCD about this I hate using the switch in handheld mode.

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I dropped it once at a friends

I play mine portable all the time whether sitting on my desk watching a YouTube video or laying on the bed

I slammed it on the wall multiple times and it's still in one piece, not sure what people are blabbling about, it's nintendium at its finest

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zero times in the 2 years and a half that I've owned it because I am not 5 years old.

0 times

No, also no scratches on the screen from putting it in the dock. I use gorilla strength putting it back into the dock and don't have a single scratch. Don't know how people got scratches on theirs from the dock

I’ve dropped it on my bed and that’s about it

Xenoblade and Doom I guess

Probably depends on the game. I've been playing Daemon x Machina and the framerate docked is absolutely abysmal, I'm afraid of finding out just how bad it is in handheld.

Because you should have a screen protector like a non-retard

But I dont because thats gay

once and now it's twisted, still working tho

Zero, I keep it docked at all times

I have knocked it off my bed in my sleep a few times

Then your screen definitely has scratches


why isn't anyone talking about these leaks of the new switch?

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zero, I paid 300 dollars for it, bought on day 1 of release, not hard to not be a tarded child

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i dont take it out of its dock cause its bearly a portable system.

two tier specs on a console is one of Nintendo's dumbest ideas. I'd rather not undock to be reminded of it.