Hello, I am interested in getting into WRPGs because I like the freedom you get in making choices for your character, I am, however, bad at video games. What's a good entry point?
Looking to get into WRPGs
skyrim it's the game of the decade
You don't have to be good at video games to enjoy them. Just use your brain and READ NIGGA READ ingame tips, descriptions or manuals. Play arcanum, Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines, deus ex, tes 4 oblivion
you posted it
Most WRPGs (and JRPGs for that matter) don't really require you to be good at games so long as you know basic min-maxing and pay attention to stats. They're almost always based on hard, inflexible numbers that can be abused and broken. This isn't about "skill" it's just paying attention.
For example, if you want to completely fucking break Morrowind... Your intelligence stat improves the outcome of your potion making with alchemy. You can make potions that increase your intelligence. They stack. Your intelligence potions will become increasingly potent until they become literally game-breaking. You can then, if you so choose, make potions for any other stat you want, or whatever else.
>encouraging game breaking exploits to get into wrgs
Morrowind is a perfect choice. Read a character making guide or watch a video and get started. Morrowind starts off overwhelming but it's a very easy game as long as you get a good starting build. Don't fall for the memes that you have to mod it to be good. Just use the Morrowind Code Patch and Unofficial bugfix patches and you're gold.
Another decent place to start that's a little more modern would be one of the Divinity Original Sin games. They're harder than morrowind but are a great intro to top down games. Fallout 1 and NV are also good places to start.
me and my friend played a ridiculous amount of this game as kids and alchemy was the one stat we always made fun of for being useless. years later I learn it's the most game-breaking stat in the game
>"Read a character making guide or watch a video and get started."
>calls someone else retarded
Most people who play Morrowind and drop it because of the combat start with very bad builds and don't know about basic mechanics like fatigue. Knowing even some of the basics about how the stats and skills work in that game makes a world of difference.
> retard
OP is afraid he's too bad at games to play games that are easily broken. My point isn't that you SHOULD, my point is that you CAN
Wizardry, Morrowind, Gothic 2
Fallout: New Vegas. It has all the freedom character-wise and combat wise but will need mods to be playable.
if CRPGs count, Underrail is a great starting point as well
If you're going to play Morrowind don't even try to make a thief character, stealth in that game is unplayable garbage and since npcs don't go to sleep you can't steal from shops unless you cheese it.
Unironically, watch a few of Sseth's videos and pick one that sounds interesting. Your opinion on his content aside, he highlights a lot of really good RPGs and gives a good gameplay rundown so you don't have to go in completely blind.
>but will need mods to be playable.
This is a meme. I played vanilla for years and was very happy with that.
Unofficial patches go a long way in increasing the playability of the game, but yeah I would definitely never recommend content altering mods to a new player.
Realistically it only needs NVSE and maybe a few patches or so. Not really what someone would consider a legit mod.
I hear you as I did, too. I'm just trying to warn crashes.
#1 tip
Assuming this isn't bait, Skyrim is unironically the best newbie WRPG to start with. If you aren't adverse to really old school graphics, the Baldur's Gate series and Fallout 1 and 2 are also good starting games.
Fallout NV
Unironically Skyrim
Underrail is for grognards, dude. That's a horrible starting point for a complete newbie.
>Spend a day downloading mods for Skyrim
>Spend two days installing them
>Spend a week trying to fix the compability issues
Dark Souls
Dragon Age: Origins
If you dont mind giving a new indie game a try A Lanterns Glow is challenging, but fun.
tyranny or pillars of eternity are great wrpgs
He's actually what encouraged me
Play Fallout New Vegas, Morrowind, or Dragon Age: Origins.