So the country that gave us guro banned MK?
Why isn't MK popular in Japan?
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Mario kart ?
Guro ?
mortal kombat has always been trash
They already have tons of franchises in the fighting game genre.
Why would they need more?
Violence is unpopular in Japan. They hate gore. Games like Resident Evil which are from Japan has the violence toned down. Western games are much more violent.
It's better than gay fighter
Because it's mechanically terrible.
Spotted the zoomer
It's not even better than Pit Fighter.
The arcade units do okay, it just never did well on consoles over there so when the 3D games started coming out with no arcade releases the fanbase completely vanished.
Everyone thought the characters in MK9 looked atrocious and while MKX was much better received, it was not by much. MK11 was denied a release because the gore got to be too much.
The movie is popular with western movie fans and westaboos, but only "old school" arcadeheads really care about the games, and only the first 3.
Because it's baby's first fighting game. All flash no substance. It's too simple for them and it doesn't have the long history and mythology the series built up in the West that allows it to be a success here.
No one over the age of 12 should be playing cartoony games
it's CERO's fault. comics are considered a type of books after all. videogames were considered a specific medium for kids for a long time
>Why would they need more?
It's got ninjas and shit, Japs Should feel right at home with the asian influences, do Japs really just hate everything that's made by the west? Even if it's Japanese inspired?
Ugly characters and Nips aren't big on gore. They even censor the gore on their own games when they do make gorey games.
Pit Fighter is real, motherfucker.
its just a bad fighting game.
compared to tekken and SF they have no reason to play it
They're chinese ninjas, it doesn't count.
>They're chinese ninjas
What's next, you're going to tell me Chun li is Mexican? fucking retard
The way violence was shown is graphic and accurate unlike old grindmark anime guro shit which was extreme and niche. I believe sekiro censored some animations there
mortal kombat is just a trash fighting game series mechanically which is why japs dont play it. Tekken is much better
>Lin Kuei
You're really starved for insults, aren't you? go bother your parents.
All fighting games are the same shit you retard
In Japan, the original arcade units of MK1 and MK2 actually had the reputation of being difficult for beginners and only for advanced players.
>do Japs really just hate everything that's made by the west?
They hate everything not made in Japan, they're entitled little pricks
Ninjas is a happy thing, Chinese shinobi aren't a thing
Wtf meant to type jap thing
There is tons of fightings games there already and they are probably not a very big fans of realistic style of MKs.
Japan loves Wicher games though.
The protagonist has been invited to SC6 and MHW, and there are even his doujins for fujos.
>The Lin Kuei (forest demons) are a tribe of assassins based in China, predating the Japanese ninja. They are very prominent in the Mortal Kombat series, and the members take offense at being called ninja.
How dare you call them ninja, you piece of shit. I'm so disappointed in you right now.