Sonic The Hedgehog

Surely Zig Forums remembers Sticks the Badger, right? You know, she is that one popular Sonic Boom character who will pretty much be forgotten about after the death of her series and her lack of appearances in spinoffs... right? Right?

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Bundle of Sticks.

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Isn't her design a ripoff of another sega character?

>she will never be canon

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>all the multitude of spinoff characters and fan favorites the past two decades
>Sega is more stubborn than an old mule and refuses to utilize them in games
>even if they did put them in games it would be a monkeys paw scenario and they'd fuck it up somehow

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>they actually bring back characters
>they just become spinoff fodder if anything
>meanwhile Zavok appears in yet another main game

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It's sad, really

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Unironically what was SEGA thinking with Sonic Boom? I mean the spinoff series in general, not just the games. They invested so much into Boom and when it crashed and burned, the company had to restructure itself entirely. I genuinely don’t understand what kind of huge success potential they saw in the Boom franchise. Like, what was even their target audience? Kids? Because the show’s meta humor and constant jabs at the original Sonic series and its fans doesn’t communicate that at all.


It was a reboot for the western market, they thought this was going to be the next sonic from now on for most of the world.

How to tell you're talking to someone aged 13-17;
>Oh wow does anyone remember that thing from two whole years ago? I'm totally the only one who does.

Sonic Boom started airing in 2014, user.

Unironically SJWs confused the East, so tons of companies felt it was required of them to just make seperate versions of franchises. Sega, Nintendo, Sony, Bamco, Squeenix, Capcom, every major Japanese publisher started doing it with horrific results in every scenario. Most abandoned it or repremended people responsible for it, but some like Sony decided the issue was they just weren't trying hard enough and moved their HQ to fucking California.

Fact is people like things for what they are and if they're not interested in your franchise it has nothing to do with how localized it is in the region. Extremely few people are going to buy a video game because it has "regional appeal". Like in the fucking double digits.

Sonic Boom ended late 2017, retard.

Marketers aren't humans and it baffles me anyone listens to them let alone pays them for their stunted understanding of why something is selling/popular.

>Wrong about literally everything
>Religiously followed by the MSM and stock market

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She's either furry Aika with a tinfoil hat or Marine the Raccoon with jungle rags.

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>Tumblr Loony Tunes artist deems her name is Rings The Raccoon
>Tumblr community religiously accepts and enforces that her name will be Rings
>Sega names her Marine
>Tumblr seething finds all the ways Sega and Sonic are problematic
Simplier times

I hope you gave flower to the mom.

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>Adds Chocola
>Doesn't add Gemerl

Alright thx

Unironically the best sonic character.

You mean a faggot?

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They even gave her the same fucking pigtails, just thicker

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She looks like she fucks human men

unlike your mom


As someone who's currently watching all the episodes of Sonic Boom, she always stuck like the odd one in the group. Not like a character by itself but how she tried to blend with the rest of the group. It's like there is no convincing reason for her to stick around, she doesn't have a good dynamic with the rest of the team and most of the time she's forgotten until they want to make a conspiracy joke, which seems to be the only trait shown during the series.
She's cute and all, but I won't miss her.

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Bless this based man