>Totally isn't Yuffie in a wig
Totally isn't Yuffie in a wig
>Bad mouthing Wutai
>Shinra shill
>You literally meet her grandmother
Did you even pl...you know what nvm.
I already know the answer
sounds exactly like TFS Yuffie
I honestly think she might have been Yuffie at one point but then changed it.
Looks like a character straight out of TWEWY
It'd be a pretty funny twist if it actually was Yuffie impersonating her, using her being a real yet obscure character as a red herring. It'd be really funny if then they ran into each other and started kissing each other's tummies.
Was Yuffie following you in FFVII? you encounter her on the first continent and then later encounter her on the second one. Seems kinda strange
>started kissing each other's tummies.
Haha, yeah, super f-funny... Y... Yeah...
I wanna eat her ass
Yes you are 100% right about that.
Her and chudley look like khux rejects
I've always wondered how Japanese developers are unashamed of putting fanservice in their games when they're a development team who has to produce this stuff
you gold face motherfuckers, if this was on pc we'd already have mods to remove the gayass back censor textures on everything
she's some retarded "not kingdom hearts" character from the phone game or whatever. same with that awful leslie guy.
>are unashamed of putting fanservice in their games
Name one thing to be ashamed of if you're calling that fanservice
Violence&Dying for Israel good
Cute&Sexiness bad
> it's not cute so it must be pozzed
Who are you quoting?
dumb facebook nigger
this and lick her pits
why is every girl on FFVII Remake a pitslut?
You guys do realise she existed before Remake was a thing right?
Most don't
nobody read that shitty book
Nah she's too hot to be Yuffie
Why does her face look so much like Tifa's face? Do they have so little inventiveness they just copy paste the same face onto every characters and hope the players are just going to be looking at the body and the clothes? Ridiculous.
And Yuffie deserves a lot better.
I know, imagine trying to please your fans instead of spiting them, I would be ashamed.
It really doesn't.
I'd like to Yuffie her if you know what i mean
i agree holeheartedly