Why white guys in vidya looks so similar to each other

Why white guys in vidya looks so similar to each other

Attached: IMG_20200511_113238.jpg (740x984, 174.45K)

Men have hair and facial hair

Why black women in vidya looks so similar to each other

Attached: Wolfenstein The New Colossus Screenshot 2017.10.28 - (1920x1080, 461.81K)

They don't.

They don't unless they're in anime games.

>using MGS3 Big Boss
I shiggy diggy. Old Big Boss looks much more kino

Attached: BB.png (384x501, 310.42K)

Why yes, Moneypenny.

>no men with extremely long nose hair or eyebrow hair
What the fuck

Still more diverse than the typical Jap MC, with that stupid haircut they all have that blocks their eyes and the same facial features.

uuuh where do you live where guys have facial hair? only about hal the guys i know have hair at 35 and older other guys shave it off or bad genetics.
reusing that model always bothered me. im sure that SNL actor looks good enough IRL but it just bothers me to see her in games
real answer is because they do tests on these things to appeal to largest demographic and appealing as much as possible and it more or less always goes back to those kinds of guys
but people look attractive in anime at least

>people look attractive in anime at least
No they don't.

yeah they do unless they were designed to be intentionally ugly such as that Persona 4 fat girl

What did user mean by this?

No they don't.

he was saying that the picture of BB reminds him of sean connery

All of them look different

Western male = good
Anime girls = good
Rest is shit

You mean they look somewhat similar in certain ways because they are designed to be at least a little bit attractive while you are deformed golem right OP?

What the fuck was that about all white guys in vidya looking the same?

Attached: Kratos chad.jpg (800x789, 657.5K)

all crackers look the same

What was that?

Attached: ShortHaze1.png (227x237, 55.22K)

majority of these dont even look white. You have been posting this pic for ten years,

>all brunette guys that look mediterranean or slavic
>no nordic guys, anglos, celts, redheads, blondes

Attached: youalllookthesame.jpg (1280x720, 111.83K)

Does pic related look like he's french?

Attached: large leader.png (396x527, 341.7K)

Your brain evolved to notice patterns in complex things. When you put many faces together like that, your brain begins finding similarities instead of being more objective. If you cover all but 2 random faces from this pic they look different.

Now show weeb shit

its ironic how op reached the conclusion cause they are a racist idiot that all the faces are white men.
Rather than asking why they are all brunette men with a similar ethnic look.

It's a look that tests well with focus groups

I see Jake from Ride to Hell.


>all these massive chin and jaws
very unrealistic

What is that unrealistic female fantasy bullshit? yikes.