How did we go from this

How did we go from this...

Attached: SomaAria.jpg (800x1024, 245.82K)

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To this?

Attached: SomaDawn.jpg (800x1200, 264.3K)


>What if Dracula reincarnated in the 2010s as a Japanese highschool boy with a hispanic name?
I don't know what Iga was on, but I'd like some.


Attached: juste-belmont-and-white-ghost-spirit.jpg (1567x1080, 510.42K)

It was because they wanted to animate the latter.

AoS was already trying to pander to Japan by making the setting and characters more explicitly Japanese.
It didn't work so they replaced the timeless art by Ayami Kojima with lowest-common-denominator generic anime trash.

Not gonna lie, he looks way more prepared to deal with the castle with his boots rather than heels, the second belt to whip motherfuckers with and the removal of the silly fur.
This Soma looks ready perfectly.

The dude is the reincarnation of Dracula, do you think he needs to come equipped in sensible gear to fuck shit up?

Attached: Julius_Belmont.png (584x768, 767.53K)

Yes. Could you imagine how strong Dracula would actually be if he decided to be smart about how approached things?
Julius would get fucked on if Soma suddenly decided to rig the entrance to the throne room with C4.

I've never given Dawn of Sorrow a shot because of the art, how is the actual game? I have the game with some mod that skips some drawing minigame on my 3DS.

Iga is high on life.

Attached: wUX6DeWg_400x400.jpg (400x400, 27.16K)

It is basically a worse AoS but it's not awful. And yeah the no touch controls patch is essential.

Worse AoS but not a bad game sounds like a pretty decent time to me still, maybe I'll try it once I finish all these Advance Wars games.

There's no way Julius wouldn't BTFO Soma in any situation. Even holding back having lost most of his power he fights Soma to a standstill, if he actually decided to murder the fucker, he'd be toast, let alone battle of 1999 Julius.
>You will never, ever, ever play a battle of 1999 Castlevania with Julius in his prime storming the castle as the military stages an all out assault against the forces of darkness

It's easily in the top-3 of all metroidvania castlevanias out there, you can argue over which spot it takes together with ecclesia and symphony. That mod you mentioned is a must if you don't want to feel your blood vessels popping during gameplay though.

>imagine bringing up 1999 prime Julius in a conversation
Fuck you Konami. This is literally the only game I want but if it came out now it would be a gacha game.

>C4 goes off
>activates Omnia Vanitas
nothing personnel

Damn really? Ecclesia is my personal favorite I think with Aria and SotN. I have separate rankings for Metroidvania and the classic games though.

If you liked both of those then I see no reason to skip DoS.

Soma looks comfy

>tfw I'm the only person who likes Harmony of Dissonance

Attached: juste3.jpg (500x640, 41.1K)

Soma is a Spaniard transfer student.

He's Japanese and you played a shit version, retard

god i want to bury my face in his jacket after its gone through a dusty castle and had countless metal candle holders shatter nearby

i like it more than sotn, cotm and dos

this was the most annoying jump considering the second game was actually decent. castlevania's leadership in general is a fucking mess.

>only track that isn't ear-bleeding is the credits because all the memory isn't taken up by the gaudy graphics

Juste's movement is godlike. Controlling him is a blast and I wish they ported his controls / abilities into a new CV game.

I believe Iga said it was because they wanted to appeal to Japanese teenagers. That's why the went with generic anime style with DoS and PoR

It's less ear-shattering through GBA speakers but it's a real shame that one of the best Castlevania soundtracks that isn't half remixes of other games' tracks is so underappreciated because people can't look past the awful instruments

At least PoR's characters dynamic and atmosphere fit the style. DoS not so much.

The whole plot of Sorrow games in general is pants on head retarded.