This game has great combat and visuals but it is so, so fucking boring
At times it remains really engaging, like during Wall Market where although the story was batshit there was plenty of titillation and fanservice and the sequence of battles was meaningful. But then I get to the fucking sewers/train graveyard stretch and I'm rushing in to stop the plate from crashing meanwhile doing the most tedious tasks ever designed in the longest blandest stretch of linear map ever devised. When I got to the plate tower I had become so bored I switched the game off in the middle of a first act climax. The momentum and pacing in this game is scattershot. I can only stomach it for mere hours at a time. Why didn't they go for a more RE3 vibe if it's only supposed to be a short stretch of the game. All of this meaningless filler and anime grunting is so utterly tiresome and I don't want to finish the game because of it all. This game sucks.
Yeah the padding in this game is insane. I love it otherwise, but that aspect makes it feel like the gaming equivalent of Peter Jackson's Hobbit movies at times.
Chase Gutierrez
It astounds me that Squeenix has sack enough to turn a single game from the FF franchise into its own franchise. Look forward to a decade of ridiculous Butterfinger-dedicated DLC and hours and hours of Cloud having an undiagnosed brain tumor and Aerith fondling ghosts in-between all the story points that actually matter interspersed every two hours of the game to keep the old school fans feeling obligated to continue
Brandon Harris
I'm getting really tired of this autistic motherfucker with the exact same writing style making FF7R bashing threads, we get it Barry you hate Nomura, suck a fat one faggot
Alexander Edwards
what happens if you piss into the lifestream?
Jeremiah Torres
>Great visuals Where exactly? Only character models and a few selected parts look nice.
Gavin Diaz
Boss models and some of the world design, like Wall Market, Aerith's House, and the especially the way the game looks at night. I get that Midgar is pretty bland but I am pretty excited to see how they handle the overworld.
Thomas Garcia
Zoomers were a mistake. Humans should have stopped having sex after 9/11
Brandon Wood
For such a linear game it is not very impressive. Shit like RDR2 and Horizon Zero Down look way better despite being open world.
>overworld I want to believe they will do something nice with the overworld, but considering what they did on the first game I have a very strong feeling they will turn the map/exploration into something akin to FFX.
Ayden Harris
try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light
Andrew Sanchez
Zoomers are the one praising FF7R. No old time ff7 will defend this travesty.
Dylan Brooks
>T. 20 year old weirdflexing
Grayson Perez
>I need fanservice to remain engaged Go play fucking neptunia then
Robert Rogers
Nah I just meant that given how boring the story is, watching Madam M give Cloud a handjob was a nice change of pace
Also go fuck yourself
Anthony Jenkins
You're right, user. Walking down a hallway with low quality textures fighting scripted piss-easy battles for half an hour is a lot more engaging.
Jaxson Morales
Have sex
Isaac Reyes
I agree with OP. That train yard chapter just really went on and on.. and on I'm supposed to be saving Jessie and instead I'm doubling back to fight..another ghost boss?? Chapters 1 & 2 were brilliantly paced I will add
Colton Bell
Notice they were the most similar to the original.
John Scott
It's funny this and RE3 came out so close together, where 7R was padded to death and RE3 was an 8 hour rip off, there's a baby bear somewhere between these two for game length. The one positive about the remake being episodic is hopefully they take on the criticism of filler and aerial combat and improve it, so who knows maybe this remake will improve as it goes.
Liam Rogers
>Wall Market, Aerith's House they look like fucking shit. the assets are all grabber AND they're haphazardly placed just clipping into each other.
Admit it , you just wanted more Tifa/Aerith fap material.
Joseph Morgan
That's something I agree with. Like I said, the pacing is scattershot. First you're fucking up reactors and escaping to eat pizza and rub machine oil on your titties and then Cloud falls into a church and simps for a mysterious Stacy for literally 36 hours of his life, then he tries to go home but is chased by a passive-aggressive soul brother for about five minutes for some reason. Then he sees Tifa going on a secret mission and BAM, intrigue. Then he falls into a sewer and has to trudge through brainlet puzzles and trash mobs for four hours. No momentum.
Anthony Gonzalez
All the main characters, bosses, and everything Shinra looked fucking gorgeous. Slums and NPCs looked atrocious
Charles Morgan
>Aerith fap material I'm not a necrophile
Evan White
I played FFVII when it came out. Loved it. Beat all the weapons.
Just finished FFVII Remake. Loved it. Playing through a second time on hard difficulty. Last chapter is goofy dumbshit but so what? Combat, character writing and 90% of the story are golden. Only weird Zig Forums characters don't like it.
Landon Sanchez
The problem is less the length itself and more the content that makes its size. 40 hours is totally fine for a JRPG, but ff7r only achieves that by padding the whole thing with inane content.
Andrew Jackson
I hope so too. Btw I was underwhelmed by RE3R as well but at least it knows its story and gets it over with. Considering how much of a linear game 7R is it could take some major notes from that concise style.
Kevin Lee
Part of me wishes my standards were this low.
Jonathan Cook
Also it's very strangely frustrating when you start to appreciate the really bad side quests because at least they tell a concise story with a progression of events in real time that's not just "WELL IF CLOUD IS AWAY NOTHING CAN REALLY START HAPPENING TO AVALANCHE UNTIL HE FINISHES HIS ERRANDS AND TUCKS ALL THE GHOSTIES TO BED FIRST"
Andrew Moore
If you didn't like this, what games released in the last year did you like?
Oliver Reyes
>This game has great combat why do people keep on saying that? Is it because it's your first JRPG or what? The game's combat is extremely simple and none of the mechanics are truly outstanding. The fact that you have three party members makes this even worse.
Dylan Sullivan
Not him but I'll step up: Sekiro, RE3 (not as good as RE2 but better than 7R) Echoes of an Elusive Age (which takes a ridiculous amount of world building and is charming throughout even if the soundtrack is poorly utilized) Three Houses, hell even the new Pokemon is more engaging than this, despite how pedestrian it is in the story department, because at least it's short enough to have digestible pacing with no need for an exorbitant amount of padding to justify full MSRP. 7R has great bones but it's mostly just fat.
Sebastian Smith
>Combat, character writing and 90% of the story are golden they aren't but who honestly cares? FF7 probably is the only JRPG you've ever played in your entire life.
Dominic Jones
This game translated archaic turn-based (or ATB for people who think it's meaningfully different from turn-based) for modern sensibilities. This is the first time a studio made the combat feel good while still maintaining what worked about turn-based combat. It's a noteworthy achievement for people that don't hate everything.
Jaxon Cruz
"Mostly just fat" from someone that enjoyed Three Houses. Ok, I'm done.
Levi Gomez
It's very satisfying. Dunkey described it as "visceral." That's how I'd put it too. When you dig into an enemy and stagger them it's like a dopamine trigger. Maybe it's basic but it's very fun.
Robert Thompson
At least I gave a shit about TH. It's part life-sim so the fat is supposed to be there. A linear game like 7R shouldn't have a bunch of filler. That's bad fat to me.
Ethan Harris
Not true, but so what if it was? People can like different things than you regardless of whether they have experienced more or less than you. Differences in opinion don't expose a character flaw in yourself that you should take seriously.
Carson Thompson
>archaic turn-based archaic according to whom? >This is the first time a studio made the combat feel good while still maintaining what worked about turn-based combat This honestly just demonstrates your lack of knowledge. You know, there exist JRPGs other than Final Fantasy. >It's a noteworthy achievement for people that don't hate everything In other words: If you don't like what I like then you must hate everything.
Brandon Wilson
I enjoyed the sewers and ghost trains, and it didn't feel like padding or rhythm breaking to me. So just acknowledge that you have shit taste and shit opinion