Sony FY2019 Results - PS4: 13.6m (LTD: 110.4m) / FY19: 2nd best year ever for PlayStation / 41.5M PS+ Members & 66% Digital Ratio
Sony PlayStation 4 has sold 110 million consoles, PlayStation 5 unaffected by Covid-19
Ethan Morales
Jackson Jenkins
It means fukin nothing
Wyatt Cook
Sony made 7bn in profit this year.
Andrew Ross
What does that have to do with PlayStation?
Thomas Moore
so your saying that ps5 and games are getting delayed because of articles from 5 years ago about mobile phones?
Alexander Lee
Cameron Roberts
Evan Wood
>reddit has posts about Nintendo sales and nobody there talks about it or upvotes because all they do is talk about Nintendo doing well
>Playstation has hard numbers and discussions with upvotes in the sales threads because no one else talks about it
God that fucking site is filled with Basedytendo shills. All they ever do is defend the anti consumer bullshit it does, while they try to fault Sony for every little thing it does.
Luis Martinez
Go back
Ethan Rivera
can PS4 surpass the king?