In honor of the ten billionth re-release of Xenoblade Chronicles 1 lets remember the time North American fans had to launch a military operation just to get it released in NA.
In honor of the ten billionth re-release of Xenoblade Chronicles 1 lets remember the time North American fans had to...
>"Nintendo is fucking stupid and refuses to actually localize their games unless they already sold a million billion copies"
It wasn't news then and still isn't now. Motherfuckers aren't gonna release the Tantei Club remakes either despite these essentially being brand new games for the West.
I'll never forgive Reggie for being such a faggot during the end of the Wii's lifespan
Try his entire tenure at the company.
>Like half the time the shit he tried to block but got through anyway/as a port later on ended up being a big financial success.
He's a big part of why Nintendo stagnated in the 10s: the Wii was denied several cult games until there was enough outcry for it, and that policy carried over so hard into the WiiU era that small scale projects just weren't getting greenlit at all, leading to a massive content drought compounded by the strains of moving to HD development. Reggie is a great meme man but a fucking terrible businessman. NoA was awful under him.
Remember how they refused to localize or port Mother 3 despite the absurd, fanatic demands of the fanbase because Earthbound did poorly twenty years prior and that demand translated very directly into a big chunk of Undertale sales?
Remember how Reggie heard similar demand for Golden Sun, but since its previous games sold a ton of copies NoA made Dark Dawn a tentpole at E3? And how that was a fucking stupid move that buried an IP forever?
Remember when their brand new IP, Splatoon, was a fucking minor announcement at the E3 presser and only got advertised afterwards (unlike Codename Steam and other such projects) because of the MASSIVE uproar of positive buzz about it from that tiny snippet at E3?
The funny thing is that they already localised them for Europe. They just had to get them through ESRB.
Why is it writen in tacos?
I was part of that those were good times
Remember when companies actually did things when consumers complained?
They still do this though.