Tifa or Aerith

Friendly debate please. Let's all be friends.

Attached: tifaaerith.jpg (946x688, 353.46K)

>no tits no ass
>tits and ass
Only the Irish will pick Aerith

am irish, like tifa

Aeris is for the Irish only, any civilized men chooses Tifa

Aerith almost comes off as a smug tranny in this version of the game. Her lego sprite was way more adorable.


I pick Aerith, because Tifa should be with Cloud.


Attached: Aerith3.jpg (500x750, 70.73K)


For a fuck or a committed relationship? Tifa for the former, Aerith for the latter.

Aerith's both conventionally prettier and has a far more fun and bubbly personality, and in the long term, that's a win for me, but Tifa's smoking hot and I want the change to bury my nose between her sweaty cleavage and breathe in her titty musk at LEAST once.

Attached: aerith.png (737x1075, 556.96K)