Post your villager
Animal Crossing
Other urls found in this thread:
I love the LA ISLA hat. Is it the first time a piece of clothing has had a real language written on it?
>Mint has the DIY for the Golden Seat
>Turnips ain't shit, don't bother
>Leave a tribute of one gold nugget if possible, if not then please water flowers in enclosures
>Draw on the board please!
There's a sweater that says "Vita isolana"
Oh plus all the "hello" shirts of course.
R8 my villagers and island
Are personality subtypes actually a thing or was last OP just meming?
This is the first game that did clothing like that though, right? I don't think any of the other games had them.
It exists but as long as you have one of each main personality then you'll be fine.
There's a google doc with a bunch of autistic-looking datamine type stuff typed out, which looks legit enough to me