What the fuck is taking Nintendo so long to announce anything? Anything at all? Even if they don't have trailers, just announce names or something. "Super Mario Anniversary Collection announced" alongside a generic render of Mario would make game news sites salivate, especially with Geoff's dev circlejerk going on right now.
What the fuck is taking Nintendo so long to announce anything? Anything at all? Even if they don't have trailers...
I think I prefer not hearing anything from nintendo over getting shitshows like the other 2 failures
Nintendo doesn't spout numbers anymore, they stopped doing that when they started doing Directs. If they announce something, it's games. Possibly more mobile games, but still video games.
Nintendo has been in failure mode for close to 3 years with its shit games desu.
They did confirm that they have unannounced titles to reveal for the year. Which also should be no surprise considering they had plenty of games that were revealed and released the same year every single year since the release of the Switch.
Their forecast for the remainder of the year would also look worse if they didn't have more games coming.
>they have unannounced titles to reveal for the year.
They better be fucking massive if they're gonna make up for all the NOTHING we've had so far. I'm excited for Xenoblade to finally release because then they'll have to find something else to talk about.
>Nintendo is doomed this time for sure!
the switch is literally the only console worth getting right now
Time will tell. But for what it's worth
>Splatoon 2
>Pokken DX
>FE Warriors
>Hyrule Warriors
>All the Labo shit
>Mario Tennis Aces
>Captain Toad
>Super Mario Party
>Mario Maker 2
>Astral Chain
>Link's Awakening
>Ring Fit
and more were all released the same year as they were announced. Most Nintendo published games are.
And while those may be games of varying quality, you've also got several of their biggest hits too. So they could absolutely drop some big reveals on us if we're fortunate. They've done it many times before.
It feels like, and I'm pretty wrong, that they're scared to announce something because of what happened to the Olympics. You do all of this planning and hype people up and then BAM the virus hit and everything went down the shitter. It's like they're worried to announce a new game, then someone important behind it gets the virus or dies and then what?
Fucking kek the cope is off the charts.
The entire world is on fire you dumb immature faggot.
>b-b-but muh video games!
Games take time to make and the virus fucked everything up. Just be patient. If you don't know how to have patience and you've been a Nintendo fan for this long, I don't know what to tell you.
Yeah. I've kind of suspected as much. And not just with Nintendo. i mean the entire industry is really starved for notable reveals now. I absolutely think that's part of it at least.
>If you don't know how to have patience and you've been a Nintendo fan for this long
I've been dealing, buying games on the Wii U eShop and PSN that I've always wanted to try but never bothered. There's no shortage of backlogs for any consoles, but it's still annoying not having something to look forward to.
people have been saying this shit since the LATE 80s. you aren't saying anything new and look, Nintendo is STILL doing fine despite the VB, WiiU and GC.
>I absolutely think that's part of it at least.
Its ALL of it.
You have people in lockdown world and unable to work. Very few publishers want to announce anything concrete right now because nobody knows when the world will stabilise.
>"Super Mario Anniversary Collection announced" alongside a generic render of Mario would make game news sites salivate, especially with Geoff's dev circlejerk going on right now.
For one, it probably doesn't exist.
It's not Nintendo's fault right now. Everyone's suffering from this.
>failure mode
Goo goo ga ga Nintendo is doomed! Get over yourself fag
>Its ALL of it.
I don't know about that. You still had both Sony and Xbox being unusually coy with their reveals even before the pandemic.
I mean, fuck. We still haven't even gotten to even see the PS5. And Sony's State of Plays have been infamously void of interesting news.
Microsoft went in much deeper with the Series X compared to Sony and the PS5, but they've still avoided about talking about actual Series X games.
And we still have no idea what Nintendo had planned for E3, though that unlike the above is likely because of the pandemic indeed.
But yeah. The pandemic is absolutely a large part of the news draught. But it's hardly all of it.
I know it probably doesn't because it would be something some people WANT to happen, I was using it as an example.
You got your 1 game for this year. They'll just coast by for the next year on a Smash reveal and indie game every 3 months.
>sales are doing well inspire of the virus
>animal crossing is breaking records
They don’t have to say much of anything at the moment. They can just coast off these good vibes for another few months
I would say maybe they're not announcing anything because no one can find their console to play the games on/the shortage they've acknowledged, but with Lites starting to show up again I doubt they consider that a problem.
Gee user, maybe there's something happening in the world right now that's having an affect on game production.
Like, say, a fucking pandemic.
That backfires if things go wrong. Unless you want another Metroid Prime 4 or Bayonetta 3
You guys are getting an announcement by the end of the month, chill out.
>What the fuck is taking Nintendo so long to announce anything?
why bother when paypigs will buy $60 ports and whales will throw money at their terrible smartphone "games"?
who tf cares?
Just make it then.
>Download super mario sunshine, super mario 64 DS, and Super Mario Galaxy roms
>add higher res textures that you probably had sitting around in the source code before compressing them
>set resolution to 1280x720
>make a menu to select the one you want to play
there you go, the mario port extravaganza is complete and you make a billion dollars
Dr. Mario World is actually really good desu.
All I want is 3D World bros...
Assmad and seething because Nintendo are rolling in cash. What a pathetic baby lmao.
>literally bragging that a corporation has money
I just want Wind Waker and Twilight Princess HD ported over.
Honestly, Mario deserves a high quality collection of games, complete with bonus features like concept art, promotional materials, and developer interviews. I wouldn't want another Mario All-Stars Wii situation.
Because they have always tried to announce games within 12 - 16 months of release.
Some get delayed but the majority do not and now they're completely fucked.
Nintendo is FINISHED
announce what? It's all the same bing bing wahoo shit anyway. Jesus fucking christ. Just go back to your SNES. These games haven't changed in 30 years.