Why do Blizzard games attract the worst community imaginable? Most of their games are just decent but the playerbase is horrendous
Why do Blizzard games attract the worst community imaginable...
he's right tho
they wanted the tranny audience
please don't talk down to the black swordsman himself
they are made and marketed for people who don't actually play games. hearthstone, world of warcraft, heroes of the storm, overwatch, etc
Any kind of safe nerd culture, like Star Wars and Marvel movies, will always attract pond scum who want the benefits of being a nerdy outcast with the benefits of being a normal person. Blizzard's garbage games fall into this category and they shouldn't be given a pass anymore just because the made WoW.
I like how online you have to have Polarized Opinions about women. They're either Perfect Goddesses that can do no wrong or Disgusting Harlots from Hell.
it's all even more horrible in context of modern feminism.
Why did you need to have the account deleted?
I just wanted to play video games but now my hobby got infested with these kind of scum, fuck this planet man.