Tell me about deadly premonition, is it worth picking up?
Tell me about deadly premonition, is it worth picking up?
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I hate it here.
I wish i could just...
yeah its great, just be aware the pc version needs some work to make playable, a number of weird bugs because the port was shite.
Using a gamepad can have weird bugs, i ran specifically into one that when driving the break noise is constantly playing which is fixed by making my audio channel stereo
do you like cheesey shit? then yes, playing it is like watching a really fun bad movie
Small brain
it's over rated but still definitely enjoyable, if you've played any of swery's other work and liked it you will enjoy it too.
also the ost of D4 is a fucking banger
Fuck yes. Deadly Premonition is by far the biggest "so bad it's good" game and singlehandedly turned Swery69 into a legend.
The best version is the PC version IF you can get it to work. It has the most content, best graphics and costs like sixty cents on key seller sites. The problem is that it's fucking buggy and may just randomly decide not to work. I have two near identical PCs and on one of them it works without any issue and on the other one I have never managed to make it even reach the opening menu.
It's terrible
And I love it
You again. I'm gonna kick your fucking ass if you ruin one more thread.
What the fuck are you talking about nigger
Are you aware that there are like a million people on Zig Forums on any given time?