Does sony have the most effective marketing crew on history? I feel like i took a time travel back to 2013...

Does sony have the most effective marketing crew on history? I feel like i took a time travel back to 2013. All you have to do is change "gddr5" with "ssd". How can ppl fall for this hype AGAIN, how can ppl have such short memories?

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post the ps3 one

Finally, someone with some sense
it's all empty promises to get dumbasses to preorder their inferior PC box
I'll still likely get a PS5 after a year or two when it has some good exclusives, but anyone buying a console for bleeding edge graphics is a fool.

I can't wait for the teardown videos where it reveals that there's just a standard consumer grade NVMe drive for storage

Well, considering TLoU2 has 1600+ 5 stars on the PSN, I would say so.

>literally show an amazing never seen before demo running on ps5 hardware
What more do you want

They are shilling their engine.

I had a lecturer in 2013 tell the class that the PS3 cell was still the fastest CPU on the market
What a fuckin retard

Of course Epic would shill for the PS5 and consoles. They clearly made UE5 to cater to that generation of consoles and it would be in their best interest for those to succeed.

are you new to hardware showcases or something? they do this every generation until its revealed the actual games wont look half as good

>literally shows a demo running at 30 fps on upscaled (not even native) 1440p
was that supposed to be the proof?

>amazing never seen before demo
The on-the-fly light system would be impressive from the perspective of a video game designer, but everything else looked like every movie-game ever. I'd have been more impressed if they did all that and ran at 60fps.

Different console, same concept:

>console shitters still get hard over 60fps games
>its 2020
jesus how sad

>you get better dynamic lighting
>better textures and models
>you can fly trough a highly dense area without a problem

All of these are not possible on current hardware, even on pc because no game is designed around having that specific set of hardware.

Console developers (mainly Sony and Microsoft, Nintendo don't seem to be THAT fucking retarded) have been parroting this "hurr outperform PCs" hype shit for years now. Are there still people out there who don't realise that consoles work on the same fucking microchips and transistors found in every other graphics card and motherboard in market standard PC, and not magic fairy dust mixed with unicorn semen? Where do they think MS and Sony are getting these fucking ECHELON superprocessors that are not available to the general public and cost only 80% of what top of the line consumer grade hardware does? I refuse to believe people retarded enough to fall for this decades old fake hype eixst yet if it didn't work this sort of marketing wouldn't be used. What the fuck is wrong with people?

absolutely delusional

>running on ps5 hardware
Oh shit yes, prerendered videos are really hard to run on any current hardware. Also did you hear PS5 is getting this brand new more than 5 years old SSD technology!!! WOW

Its literally the new round of shilling where they try to build up the idea how the new consoles are going to be the best fastest tech possible, and then when it hits the market none of those promises or claims will be on any promotional material so people won't be able to sue them for false marketing.

Honestly, this shit is and embarasment and Geoff should legitimately consider his career, and if he actually likes gaming or does he just like the money that he can make from it.

Id be more impressed if they actually showed it be used. You know, someone make a zbrush sculpt, and them popping it in and running around it lighting it etc. But that shit won't run in realtime, and noone would wan't to sit there watching them render it for 15 hours on a PC.

if anything the demo showed us that console hardware still cant run something that looks good and run at 60 fps

Sony niggers are literally cult tier
imagine thinking a SSD streaming textures is faster than RAM
imagine defending a company that forces you to pay to play online
imagine believing the fucking hack that Mark Cerny is about anything

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Absoluterly utterly fucking delusional.

2018 video. On PC. Showing prerenders isnt anything new fancy or impressive anymore.

Okay so to maintain the shitposting position you have to believe it's pre-rendered after they claim its live and playable, and that you should showcase 60 fps on a youtube video because people really want that responsive feel, on the video.

Where's the gameplay sonybros?

>Not even rtx lightning
>Better textures on upscaled (not even native) 1440p????
>Pc is able to do that for years now

>responsive feel on a video
What? How about just smooth framerate on the video. Have you never seen any video shot at 60 fps or are you brain damaged?

Brainlet here.
What makes this one so special from UE4?

The demo barely looked any different from more recent UE4 projects, didn't it? Is it because it's console focused or something?

We're talking about the capabilities of a ~500€ console. Rtx is expensive and having good looking dynamic lighting is the best possible stop gag measure.

Fps is only useful for high movement mouse & keyboard gameplay where you look at screen half a meter away and so on. Its hard to market it because you need to feel it, it doesnt show on a video. On consoles its also less important because of gamepad controls and sitting further away from the screen.

Holy shit the xcucks, nincels and wincels are bitter af just cause sony wins again by default, like always

I mean, just deal with it, you must be getting used to it

but user i heard (from someone speculating on someones speculation) it will have an 3700x/2080ti

Its just amazing how the gaming press doesn't even attempt to hide their Sony bias. Say what you will about that Series X presentation, at least Microsoft tried to show a good diversity of different next-gen games running at a respectable performance of 4K60fps, even if they were middle-tier titles. Sony on the other hand puts a literal TECH DEMO to run at an embarassing 30fps with upscaled 4K that looks and feels like every single triple A game ever made from the past decade and every game jornalist under the moon almost drools over it.

Oooh ok, no nvm. You actually are brain damaged.

Tell me again how pc's had ssds for whole years.

>Does sony have the most effective marketing crew on history?

Effective? No. It's just that the general population is really retarded and can't remember anything older than the past 30 seconds. So it's really easy to fool them with the same old shit.

Pcs not only had SSDs for more than a decade now. I'm talking about the TOP OF THE LINE, NEW tech that they are talking about, that was awailible for PC 5 years ago. FIVE YEARS AGO. Its dirt cheap now. Its 50$ and higher now. And that is why they are being put in PS5s now because there are thousands produced and they can get them for dirt cheap.

Also fps matter no matter what you are doing. Just watching a 30 fps vs 60fps video or a 120fps video is a massive difference. But hey you have brain damage, so the world probably just moves in a blurr to you.

>. On consoles its also less important because of gamepad controls and sitting further away from the screen.
i have no words right now

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You're a legitimate hard coping moron. I notice when a youtube video is 60fps instantly every time.
Don't even pretend you don't see the difference. 30fps is unacceptable for a tech display.

And I trust you believe the game devs will not make use of the 9gb transfer speeds and will instead code games to be playable on 80mb/s hdds? Right? Otherwise the ssd might play a role of some sort?

You never bother about above 30 fps on marketing of new tech because people just dont care wether the video is 30 or 60. It's not a priority over the visual fidelity.