Gets free marketing drones and shilling because they gave a free game from 2013

>gets free marketing drones and shilling because they gave a free game from 2013
So all Epic shills are just poorfags who can't buy a game on Steam?
is that it? you hate Steam because it doesn't give you a free AAA game?
I know shills are retarded, but this is just pathetic.

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it's unironically just one australian autist spamming threads at the same hour with the same pattern

>So all Epic shills are just poorfags who can't buy a game on Steam?
Most likely third worlders. The posts against Steam are made by Epic's PR niggers.

nothing personal steamie

Attached: tim.png (501x354, 256.04K)

>is also an autismo god
Like a clockwork.

I'm honestly not gonna get it
I wish I did to spite the pathetic steamdrones of this place but it's so obvious that they sell your information to God knows who else besides the chinese government
I already have gta so there's no point to use my phone number for this
I don't even try to rationalize that "I have nothing of value so let them take it lol". I feel uneasiness just willingly allowing people I don't know to have every bit of information they can get from me in this day and age

Am I suppose to hate Epic because they do something nice? Are you retarded?

I don't care about your chinese spyware.

look at this dude

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meanwhile Gaben gave away Tomb Raider (2013) a few weeks back and it wasn't plastering 7 out of 10 pages for hours

>comparing tomb raider (2013) with gta v
top kek

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Gaben isn't responsible for what games goes free except Valve Games of course.
Publishers and devs are the ones who decide to make a game free or not.
Epic just pays devs millions to put their games for free trying too hard to attract people to use their launcher for spying.

>world war z
>goes free
>try to play online
>nobody is playing

>braging about gta 5 in 2020

I don't think it'll do well in the long run. It only appeals to people retarded enough to be using Steam, and all those idiots are married to Steam already because that's where their games are being held captive.
There is no dumber PC gamer than one who let's himself be held captive by a storefront, and who willingly uses an interface that advertises to him every time he opens his game library.

it's mind numbing how dumb people are

>buying games bad
>pirating games good


I'm not from the US and I still use proxy

>faggots like your brag about piracy and keeps pushing anti-Steam memes
>then whine when devs ignore PC because of piracy

If you are buying games, it's objectively better to buy them from Epic because they are actually bringing and publishing games.

Being loyal to a free front end is retarded.

Epic is an objectively worse storefront.


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it's not about the front end, dumbass.
Steam at least has a functioning important services like cloud saving, worldwide servers, inventory, customizations, refund system, etc...

Epic is just a launcher with barely any options just to open Fortnite

please, please I beg you have sex

who fucking cares you mongoloid it's just a front end

are you just a toddler and can'tremember how every game had its own front end before steam was a thing? literally every game had its own launcher.

now you have a few stores if you're a buycuck retard. one of which is publishing games which is objectively good. Epic teaming up with Ueda from Team Ico is BLESSED news. Steam may have made some good games but they aren't shit compared to Epic currently.

t. piratechad

who fucking cares

Attached: 1416906558640.jpg (350x277, 17.03K)

>people like free games

>keeps shitposting and licking epic's boots.
>get valid arguments
>gets BTFO
>'lolol who cares?"

Make him yellow

people that use the features. pirate cuck that cant even play online will never know that feeling

You're literally in a digital toy store cult. Take your own advice

why the fuck did my error turn into chink?

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>It's fine if Gabe is doing it.

I'm too busy posting about epic, I can't

Steam is a private company that isn't attached to any government, dumbass.

Your botnet was activated

it came up in english and gave me the "return to home" button, i pressed it and then that came up; i guess you're right

why is half of this thread filtere-

Attached: file.png (291x266, 9.93K)

They have chinese investors just like Epic, neither are majority owned

it keeps cycling through a lot of languages, i also got it in hebrew
also this

Do you retards really believe in the alternate reality you're trying to convince yourselves of?

So was facebook.

steamdrones seething because Valve has been an parasitic dumpster fire for over a decade

i fucking despise Zig Forums and their schizophrenic ways but i genuinely wish death upon every insect chink and will never trust one; i've genuinely never had a decent experience with a chink

>and licking epic's boots
lol whatever you say man. so far they've been licking MY boots by giving me free games and giving Ueda money.

t. piratechad

imagine crying about shit like that instead of just playing video games

I see chinkshill is working hard lately huh

yes and Steam didn't sell itself yet.

>chinese investors of epic are trying too hard to kill Steam that has also chinese investors
makes sense

you sure look you are playing a lot of games, especiality the multiplayer ones. you cuck

>who fucking cares you mongoloid it's just a front end

Steam is actually competing with piracy by offering features. Epic offers you nothing over just pirating it

gta installing rn i cant fucking wait

I already have it on steam and will get on epic because why not

>it even includes the GTA Online awful initial grind skip pack
wasn't expecting that

its not like timmy cant afford your new copy

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turn around

you wish, PR shillers wouldnt be as blatantly violent, same with the antiEpic morons and their telemetry chinese BS, despite the fact that steam does the same exact thing.

I rarely like multiplayer games and I am playing a game right now, yes. why are you so mad?

steam doesn't compete with piracy at all with their features because it's all free to piratechads. you can even refund a game you buy just to download it quickly only to crack :)
creamapi also lets you pirate DLC for purchased games and you can download all the workshop mods for your pirated games too.

steam is a good front end but it's not worth becoming a sperg over when competition arrives. if total biscuit was still alive he would be calling steam drones absolute fucking retards for not embracing when Epic is doing.

imagine being this retarded


>inventory is an important service

lmao what a retard

epic has cloud saves, it also has refunds, what a cringy incel

good one

Why do you keep calling yourself a 'piratechad' then praising Epic for releasing free games that any pirate would have already downloaded years ago?

>dont give a shit about storefronts
>just grab the free games because why not
>laugh at the stupid shills and the chinese spyware meme
>launch EGS today
>see pic related
Ummmm... Tim?

Attached: 1580535027435.png (1548x924, 28.51K)

When getting skins and cards that you can sell for money to buy other games for free, yes it's important and your chink spyware will never be this good :)

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it just gives you a random "back to store" link from all their languages. i've gotten slav speak and bug speak so far