imagine having a boss fight, after having a boss fight, after having a boss fight
what a mess of a shit game
imagine having a boss fight, after having a boss fight, after having a boss fight
what a mess of a shit game
Other urls found in this thread:
I love boss rushes
i would agree if the bosses werent so shit
dark souls 2 had an ungodly amount of stupid bossfights, especially the one with the big rat.
>big rat
its just a dog with aids
This. Dark Souls 2 is the pinnacle of quantity over quality, in every aspect of the game. Every area is an unfinished terrible looking mess. There's probably two areas in the game that I can say look like they were finished. DLC was better but doesn't make up for the rest of the game. Bosses exemplify this better than anything, base game I don't think has a single good boss. Literally not one, they're all garbage. DLC is the only place to experience somewhat decent bosses.
absolutely top tier boss fights
Yeah each DLC has a garbage optional boss but two decent to good bosses.
>le edgy samurai
>le ultra greatsword in left hand
>le trex legs tier "dragon" that spites poison
>decent bosses to good bosses
You can reduce anything from any game to its base traits and make it sounds stupid. Not an argument.
reduce artorias, ludwig, lady maria and gael to its base traits
>imagine having a boss fight, after having a boss fight, after having a boss fight
isthis a sister friede reference
are you fucking retarded?
>le edgy corrupt knight
>le angry beast
>le edgy blood
they sound interesting and more in line with their games
>imagine having a boss fight, after having a boss fight, after having a boss fight
So literally the ending of Bloodborne
no u
They're just as in-line with their game as anything in 2. The problem with 2 is the quality is just shit in comparison, aside from the main DLC bosses.
it's just an autistic kid spamming, he's made like 5 threads only today. Probably found out the cool kids hate on dark souls 2 so he tries to fit in
Wouldn't be such a mess if those bossfights weren't shit. I've never had a more anticlimactic final fight. The thronefags are the hardest of them since there's two but they're still fairly easy. Nashandra is a joke and you can just tank the curse build up. And then it ends with an immobile tree that does fuck all. They couldn't even end the game on a high note.
Meanwhile in Lordran
>3 fat demons
>one horned demon you defeat like the first fat dmeon
>smaller horned demon with dogs
>vagina dragons that just charges back and forth
>retarded butterfly
>insect demon that's just kinda there
>golem that falls to its death
>giant demon that falls to his death
>giant gay dragon that just stands there
>giant skeleton that just walks around
false, they are uninspired and unoriginal
False, they are inspired and original.
what are you trying to prove?
I've been having a blast replaying DaS1 for the first time in at least 5 years and it's making me wonder if DaS2 was as bad as I remember it being. I played it at launch and remember most of the bosses being pretty underwhelming. I've heard SotFS changed some enemies in some locations and messed with bosses a bit, would it be worth it to play that or should I just replay the original?
looks and plays better than midir and kalameet
do ds2fags really?
that DS1 bosses are just as bad as DS2 ones on average if not worse.
DaS2 dlc > DaS 1 > DaS 2 > DaS 3 > DaS 3 dlc
imagine having a boss fight, after having a boss fight, after having a boss fight
what a mess of a shit game
it's ok when hackazaki does it though
Not an argument.
its only one boss fight you fucking retard, and its million times better than anything out of ds2
holy shit, how wrong.
Yeah, Freide was a fun encounter.
>11 posters
anti-das2fags are mentally ill
Friede is the least fun I have ever had in a Souls game.
>anti-das2fags are mentally ill
no u
Not much different than ds3 imao with all it's stupid boss phases. And the fights themselves in your pic related aren't really hard at all to begin with. I'm thinking you just suck ass. That aand your taste is shit as well since those 3 fights are fucking kino as fuck.
>only one boss fight
>three health bars
>another boss joins in
cope seething trannyboi
>thinks back-to-back bosses is a good criticism of a game
in my day we actually got excited for shit like this
zoom zoom, lil guy
you are mentally challenged and hopefully, there is no cure for you
I know this is more of a shitposting thread, but I actually kind want to play DS2 again
It's the only game where I only really did one playthrough and I barely remember many of the places and bosses. Also I never got the Scholar edition so that's something new too
they make "easy" modes so braindead trannies can play
Why do ds2fags have such a hate boner for 3? They always bring up 3 when their game gets shit on like it somehow changes how bad 2 is.
I agree. DS2 has dragons that actually fight like dragons, not like ground lizards.
ah yes my favorite daily thread
you just turn it off and play a movie game instead
I find throne+watcher and the ruin sentinels comical with how often they're politely taking turns even though it's a "multiple boss, duuude" fight. They'll even backoff like they're low on stamina sometimes. It's nearly the complete opposite to dealing with Orn and Smo.
>terribly boring and easy NPC fight
>right next to Alonne as a contestent for best boss theme in the game
What in the fuck
>Snoop Dog plays DS2
based black guy
>implying i play movie games
im all for gameplay
seething tranny
Rent free
What are you tagging me for?
Anyway, heres your (you) back
Remember how you had to get to the iron keep and make that jump to get the dull ember?
SotFS puts it in a chest after you fly to Lost Bastille from killing the Persuer. It does a bunch of weird changes but some changes are cool. I just wish you could use the same character across both Scholar and vanilla+dlc.