Literally what changed? They're the exact same shit!

Literally what changed? They're the exact same shit!
Are Nintendo fans just more docile now?
Are like bots being used?
Would Metroid Prime Federation Force have gotten any backlash with today's Nintendo fans?

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It looks better than color splash did

And the name The Origami King just sounds cooler.

nintendo fans didnt even have a wii u so they got assmad

there have been 2 games released on the switch this year

it's either pretend you care about nupaper mario or have nothing to play on your switch.

People are going into the trailer with the info that's been given to them: that it's a new paper mario in the style of 64 and ttyd.

So, they ignore every glaring flaw from the trailer because they've already decided they will like it.

bro there's 55 million switch owners, the wiiu had 15 million

im more surprised were getting a new paper mario game instead of a wiiu port of colour splash, that fascinates me

the people that like the look of origami don't even know color splash existed.

New generations that only got a Switch as their first Nintendo console.

They know nothing about the previous games. Thus they will not complain. Add that to apologists, media fags, the haters which will only garner more people to like stuff even further, etc.

Happened with Pokemon, happened with Animal Crossing, etc, etc.

Hey Federation Force is a good game,uch much better than color splash at least

Nintendo fans don’t really care about quality anymore

the newest AC is actually good though, especially with ongoing free updates.

That's what happened.

At least it has free updates, imagine if it didn't. A lot of stuff clearly missing from previous games you'd only get either by free updates or DLC/microtransactions.

two reasons:
>origami king genuinely does look better than the sticker games even though it's still not as good as the originals
>the switch era has made nintendo's paypigs more pathetic than ever before, they will buy literally ANYTHING nintendo shits out with a switch logo on it
you'd get called a "snoy" for criticizing federation force if it came out on shitch instead of 3ds.

Why are there so many paypigs?

Look pretty good dude idk

>Nintendo fans
If it's anything like Smash, Pokémon, Fire Emblem, and Animal Crossing, I'll just bet that Nintendo fans are the ones crying the hardest. There are people nowadays who either don't know or don't care about the controversy and just buy based on what they see on the trailers.

As an anecdote, last July, while I was at a Gamestop, there was one woman I saw with two children who couldn't have been older than seven, who tried to buy Sword and Shield (yes, both games) for each of her kids without even realizing that the game wasn't coming out until November. That's two fully paid-for preorders right there. That's the people who buy games like these, not "Nincels" or whatever.

The game looks pretty good tho

because instead of improving their products after the gamecube's failure, nintendo took the lazy way out and appealed to the absolute lowest common denominator with the wii. no need to worry about those pesky core gamers and their "standards" anymore when they could just bring in a bunch of nu-males and soccer moms who don't know any better. everything since then is a result of that change in priorities.

Having the start with that creepy origami princess peach was pretty good honestly.

I can't get the mental image of a fat autistic Zig Forumsirgin angrily staring down some poor mother and her kids while sweatily clutching a used copy of .hack or some garbage

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It's really just a matter of discerning Nintendo fans and "Nintendo" fans, where the latter only just figured out how great of a system the Switch is.

idk, the game just looks a lot cooler than color splash. And it seems like there might be an actual plot, so even if the combat is shit that might still save the game.

This isn't unique to Nintendo, the whole industry is low effort now
Just look at the reskinned assassins creed Sony showed off today

Switch has a new generation of soitendo paypigs

>Would Metroid Prime Federation Force have gotten any backlash with today's Nintendo fans?

No. The only reason it caused such a huge shit storm was because it was the first Metroid game in 5 years. If it was announced alongside Samus Returns and MP4 nobody would have cared.

But instead of maps with markers, you get animals and wind gusts telling you where to go. That's completely different!

no need to even look at sony. nintendo's reskinned assassin's creed just beat CDPReddit's reskinned assassin's creed in a "game of the decade" poll the other day.

They are just domesticated.

Difference is between a console nobody bought and a console everybody bought

i hated it for what a waste of a concept it was

the concept is totally sound, four nameless space federation grunts have to fight alien's that samus fights single handedly

>Bowser is Mario's buddy
>Partners return, with Indiana Toad shown assisting Mario in battle
>Actual Story with a new villain
The main negatives are that the battle system looks weird, and character designs are lazy again. It's a step in the right direction though.

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This, but I'm not getting my hopes up.