Memes aside
Are you gonna buy her game? I kinda feel bad for her, her young friend became a zombie, she wasn't loved by everyone, the only one close to her was Joel..
Memes aside
Are you gonna buy her game? I kinda feel bad for her, her young friend became a zombie, she wasn't loved by everyone, the only one close to her was Joel..
I'd rather keep my money for the battle pass. Enjoy you're shitty game niger.
Nah getting paper mario and ghost of twhateverthefuckitis.
I didn't give a fuck about TLOU 1, I didn't give a fuck about TLOU 2, I gave even less of a fuck about it when it turned out to be off the backs of worked to death crunch, and now I'm laughing at the karmic blowback that was this leak.
>Are you gonna buy her game?
maybe when the PS5 Pro is out and the game is $15 or less used. Should be about 4 years or so at least.
>Lifetime Zombie movie game part 2
no, I don't think I will.
Not worth playing anymore because of the forced agenda and shit story. Looking forward to ghost, 2077, bloodlines, bayo 3 and astral 2.
What are you talking about? She has a girlfriend and a baby, she's fine.
Abby bites 2 of her fingers off in the final fight
no, cause i'm not that fucking retarded that i will spend 60 dollars on a movie
What the fuck do you think asshole?
How do "review embargos" or whatever the fuck work, I don't care about the game but I wanna read all the salt, do I have to wait until release?
I thought the wall was a meme? Was I wrong? How old is she supposed to be here?
>$60 for a terrible movie
Is the question serious, nigga?
I got an email from GameFly for a free two game trial, so I'll just use it around 6/10 and put it and only it in my queue and play it. I refuse to support it even though I loved the first one, but would like to form my own legit opinion despite the leaks pissing all over everything good from the first game
I'm doing the most respectful thing possible to Naughty Dog and buying this game instead. Because the only respect they deserve is less than none at all.
Im going ot watch a no-comentary lets play.
I'm gonna buy it. I'm not scared of boogiemen.
No, the first game set a road to 2 great characters just see them beaten to a pulp. I dont care about the diversity bs part.
PC fags are seriously the most autistic people on the fucking planet
I didn't play the first one and I sure as fuck am not going to buy the second one.
Everyone in this thread is pathetic. The fact that you all cared enough to look up the story and follow the news about this "forced agenda" shows that you're just being counter-culture and can't just take a product for what it is. You might as well be SJWs who look at game screenshot out of context and decry it as being sexist without even playing it.
I too avoid things because they're popular. Don't you just love getting off on being superior?
>When I tell people to kill themselves I sincerely mean it, not trying to be edgy or offensive.
Kill yourself
Kill yourself for telling me to kill myself
Yeah I'm sure that's why his not buying and not because of everything else we know about the game.
The cope...
>The fact that you all cared enough to look up the story and follow the news about this "forced agenda" shows that you're just being counter-culture and can't just take a product for what it is
Maybe the product is just shit? Did you think of that?
Also I didn't follow the leaks. I just enjoyed the memes. Senator Abstrong is hilarious and you need to get over the fact that your tranny looking new protag named Poochie is a shit character no one will like.
When six thousands threads are made about it every single day, it's kind of hard to ignore.
I'd rather spend 60 dollars on a waifu gacha game
hey druckman did antia at least let you touch a titty?
Yeah, but in a year or so she's going to #MeToo him.
Judging by the current #metoo climate the left no longer cares as it stopped being politically advantageous. So unfortunately I doubt it