Why do we hate Fate again?
Why do we hate Fate again?
FGO turned the series into an all-out gacha waifufest. Nothing else matters to TM anymore, just how many millions they earn from paypigs.
Because you trannies wont stop spamming your brave frontier clone both here and on Zig Forums.
It's sadly not even just FGO. Ever since Mahoutsukai no Yoru fucking BOMBED, TM has no motivation to make anything besides FGO-tier shit. It's hard to have any hope for Tsukihime remake coming out too.
It's another thing of "most Japs have shit taste"
Gachashitfags are no friend of Zig Forums
Best fate thing is the learning manga.
>gachafaggots are retards
>fateshitters are insufferable niggers
>ruined Arthurian legend forever
But they use those whale bucks to fund all kinds of dumb shit like every single thing getting an anime.
many reasons
the protagonist is insufferable, best girl doesn't even have her own route, etc.
Its a shadow of its former self. We will never get a masterpiece like Zero ever again. All the games are shit, too.
Nasu refuses to get off his ass and do anything except FGO and I fucking hate it because I'm a Nasufag
Because they keep making shitty musou games and not the game I want.
You're honestly worse than the gachashitters, stop posting anytime fag
>still no fate fighting game on the level of melty
We hate FGO and Tsuki remake. TM has no reason to make good content when they can shit out waifu bait and make tons of money.
zero is the only fate that isn't complete dogshit
zeroniggers deserve the rope
(((Bisexual))) representation.
zeroniggers are fate secondaries anyways
gay bulges
Imagine unironically liking Sh*rou.
Just sad
fuck gacha.
fuck VNs
fuck Japanese people appropriating our culture
>reading some fgo interview
>it takes over half a year to make one char
I don't particularly like Shirou, but Zero is 100% not even the masterpiece you fags think it is. The ending is such a shitshow
not enough slave seiba
But Zero is complete dog shit. What alternate universe do you retards come from where that shit is actually good?
It's 100% bullshit. Those sprites, those character backgrounds, and that tiny amount of voice work doesn't take even a week
Caster had good taste
I would personally consider fate to be the worst piece of fiction yet created, it is genuinely that awful
Mikiya is the worst Nasuverse protagonist of all time. Even fucking Sieg is better, because at least Sieg actually DOES things, instead of sitting around whining about violence while his waifu does all the hard work
contrarians out
You and prisma shitters are sad. Defending shows that are literally made to hook you people in to a series you wouldn't go near.