I've played through the first three final fantasies and I cant believe that series got so many fucking games after them...

I've played through the first three final fantasies and I cant believe that series got so many fucking games after them. They arent that good, its just prove that so many people got shit taste even back then

Attached: Ff3cover.jpg (384x260, 26.38K)

Oh yeah for sure I agree. It was so jarring coming to Zig Forums and seeing people jerk off final fantasy when my entire experience with the series has been awful. I don't even care if the newer ones are good. The old ones were so bad it's turned me off from the series.

go back, zoomer

>my entire experience
That's where you fucked up

>not good

Try the first Dragon Quests. They are arguably even worse.

The Japanese were fucking TERRIBLE at making RPGs up until around the mid 90s. WRPGs were the undisputed king until that time.

People with 5 IQ should not be allowed to make threads.

That's because you're too big of a retard to play its contemporaries. Here's a hint, there were none. It was a genre defining title.
>when my entire experience with the series has been awful
Shit nobody cares about.

The games had a laundry list of problems to be sure. Even so, there is a certain charm and experience you get from going through these games. You also have to realize that this and Dragon Quest were a rare breed at that time. When you didn't have many games, and you were given these at a young age, they provided a whole world of fun. Now, they are more or less dated (I still like them, but I am old). Also, amazing fucking music despite their age, the compositions hold up so well.

Attached: Adult Rydia.png (765x1200, 814.12K)

its ok but not that great, the story is not that good and the gameplay is boring
so it was good back then? so many anons on Zig Forums say that games dont age