It really was better before Makoto joined, I don't even wanna finish up royal anymore

It really was better before Makoto joined, I don't even wanna finish up royal anymore

Attached: PV.png (500x631, 301.98K)

should've stopped adding characters after yusuke

I hope P6 they stop this shit with every arc is picking up a member bs

Yep, everyone aside from the player had their IQ take a nosedive so she could have her "smart" moments. P-Studio really is the embarrassment of Atlus.

They're dragging the rest of the company down too though

Seriously. The story direction stops making sense once Makoto blackmails them.

It's also at that point that the game feels repetitive.

Studio Zero has done excellent work. It's a crime that Persona is so much more well-recognized than Catherine.

I did notice the writing in the new palace is a lot more balanced. Characters get to chime in to point out things that in the vanilla game they'd just have either Makoto or sometimes Futaba say. It's especially noticeable in the personality test part. Even Haru gets a decent amount of lines, even if half of them are pointing out how contrived the plot is.

Yep, so much so that the new palace feels out of place thematically. It does give me hope for P6 though.

>catherine remake adds ebin new waifu and fucks up the story, because everyone loved it when P4G did the same
Like I said, dragging them down. I expect Re:Fantasy to have some trademark hackshino qualities too