I don’t understand the appeal. I made it to Hornet in Greenpath and so far it has been pretty basic. The second charm you get where you blast enemies, I have only used it against the armadillo bug. The little flies and that strike you, their impact from their attack is greatly exaggerated. Enemies have been weird for the most part, like that giant bush. When does it pick up? Halfway through the game?
I don’t understand the appeal. I made it to Hornet in Greenpath and so far it has been pretty basic...
learn english, you fucking retard
If you think that's bad op I've already beaten most of the bosses and I genuinely don't get it. The game feels like a chore without the variety of weapons to make up for the fact that you're essentially doing the same thing over and over again. Making your nail slightly longer hardly qualifies for anything, and weapon upgrades are just seldom enough that you always feel either weak, or the same as you were before because the enemies in the newest area are stronger and go out of their way to ensure you can't hit them with your nail as easily. This game likely comes off as amazing to people who have never played the Castlevania metroidvanias, but to anyone else it feels like a pale copy with a simplistic art style and a cute hornet. 6/10 I'm not sure I'll even finish it completely. Getting The Beast achievement felt more like work than fun if you ask me.
What if you are good and the game just isn't very fun?
Seems like it's just not for you.
I just don't like new Metroidvanias at all. I only enjoyed the Metroid and Castlevania series.
>What if you are good
the bitching above says otherwise.
None of the posts above indicate that someone might be bad at the game.
>I made it to Hornet in Greenpath and so far it has been pretty basic
play for like 3 more hours or drop it now. it does get substantially better once you get the first mobility item, but I can't guarantee it'll be worth it after that for you. Good luck.
The game is pretty linear up until you beat hornet and get the dash. Then the map opens up and you're free to decide where you explore next.
>Making your nail slightly longer hardly qualifies for anything
>weapon upgrades are just seldom enough
Is this bait? Pic related makes the game laughably easy if you're even remotely good at melee / dodging (heavy blow, sprint master, quick slash, mark of pride, steady body)
I've destroyed The Beast and I only have 22 charms. Killing enemies is a god damned chore for me.
for me it's the minion build
You're not actually good at the game until you can beat Pantheon of Hallownest effortlessly.
I have to hit enemies eleventy bajillion times before they die. Dodging is easy enough, but continuing to play the game certainly takes a lot of effort desu.
Buy Fragile Strength from Leg Eater in Fungal Wastes and you'll have a much smoother time. Just make sure you don't die, or it breaks, but that should be easy enough, right?
There was a merchant in Fungal Wastes? God damn it. I already spent all my Geos on other shit.
Just need to learn their movement patterns. Don't forget, aerial strikes, especially hitting down and super charging are severely underrated maneuvers.
Lol nah user I overuse aerial strikes if anything. Aerial striking the spikes is how I got to Mawlek early, or at least I'm told it was early.
You only need 686 in total for Fragile Strength. Also upgrade your damn nail. If it's only in its sharpened state you have a long way to go. The effect of Fragile Strength increases with every nail upgrade as well, so it's essential to get both done.
>I don’t understand the appeal. I made it to Hornet in Greenpath and so far it has been pretty basic
You just finished the tutorial lad
The game really opens up after you get the mantis claw but before you get the mothwing cloak or whatever it's called - the dash - it's a hallway just teaching you how to play.
I upgraded my nail once if that's sharpened. I'm planning to upgrade it again after I win the arena.
>he got filtered
This shit is as bad as the souls community but with bug fucking furfags in denial
>weapon upgrades are just seldom enough that you always feel either weak, or the same as you were before because the enemies in the newest area are stronger
Every time you upgrade the nail the health of bosses increases, making magic progressively less potent and forcing you down the melee path of combat. That said, usually it's around 10% less hits to kill milestone adversaries with each upgrade, so it does become easier.
A good strategy early on when you're tight for notches and low in upgrades is to temporarily switch out for magic and auxiliary backup traits when fighting bosses.
Only dream warriors, and Grimm and Hive Knight increase their HP with nail upgrades.
I sure hope so. Increasing boss health because you upgraded is retarded.
>Regular enemies are laughably easy to kill
>Basically nothing technically challenging at all about exploration
>Jump into a boss battle
>Game turns the volume from 2 to 10
>Game does fuck all to prepare your technical skills for the boss
>Most boss mechanics require you to die at least a few times to learn their move set
>Shitty walk back to reclaim not-souls from not-bonfire because huurrr Dark Souls popular
good game 10/10
Imagine playing 1% of a game and then ranting about it. You should be a game journalist.
Am I the only one that finds the artstyle and sound design unappealing?
The only way to differentiate one zone from another is by the enemies the background color
Sounds like you got btfo, have no actual argument, and are now throwing a tantrum like all contrarian retards on this shithole do.
Hollow Knight fans are so aggressively unlikeable it's absurd.