Games about BTFOing someone?

Games about BTFOing someone?

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based you go gurl!

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based tranny destroying Zig Forums

will trump really win 2020?

Doesn't he know leftists hate him?

Trans Rights Bitch!!!
She's a Queen.

>trannythat created the entire red/blue pill meme tells you to fuck off

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it's either him or a pedo with dementia

>Tranny invents the red and blue pill philosophy
>right wingers latch onto a tranny invented red and blue pill philosophy

Get your own fucking philosophy. in b4 someone brings up the red pill total recall as that was just part of the plot and had no connotation to political beliefs. The Matrix popularized it, not that film. And if you're a right winger I would advise you to stop using something that "trannies" use. Thanks. :)

Does the US only vote for meme politicians?

>implying trump hasn't fucked kids
Ghislaine Maxwell and Epsteins black book says hi. Even uses the same fucking lawyer.


Anyone remember the gorespammer on Zig Forums? We need someone like that for twitter screencap threads.


All career politicians, both R and D are evil soul sucking power mongers, so voting in meme candidates is our only shot at a somewhat bright future.

yes easily
>no viable opposition
>re-election bonus
>consistently increasing ratings even with ongoing smear campaigns from mainstream media
and I can't wait to see Biden stumble all over himself in any sort of debate the two might have

>*dilation noises*

being a tranny is taking the blue pill

Zig Forums has more traction than Zig Forums at this point
It's futile

Make me, tranny. Dilate.

As it is now absolutely, but hard to tell since Biden is a placeholder, we'll know when the democrats pick the real candidate (hillary or cuomo)

You must be a tranny yourself using tranny buzzwords. What are you, a faggot? :)

>>right wingers latch onto a tranny invented red and blue pill philosophy
They didn't invent it though, they flat out stole the script for the first Matrix. It's why the next two movies were steaming garbage.

Asperger hands typed this post

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Don't care and if you think about it, it most likely was becoming a tranny being the red pill/ rejecting gender ideology
prozac was blue and the most common tranny pills at the time were red
Either way it's fucking hilarious

Probably but it's too early to say. He and Biden might drop dead any day now, they're both old.

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Only if Corona doesn't wipe out every red state and trump voter in swing states. Trump just needs Biden to show up to a debate to completely secure it.

heh, yknow Jimbo, over 50% of transgender people have one or more personality disorders, compared to only 3% of the general population! Now ain't that just quackin' crazy?

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The terminology has transcended the shitty pop-culture phenomenon it was born from and taken on a life of it's own. It will never go away.

America doesn't have runoff voting so this will never happen, people will always be concerned with 'wasting their vote'. All that happens with a meme candidate is the vote of a big party gets split and the other one wins. It's a miricle that Jesse Ventura was ever elected.

Damn discord you are really bad at memes.
Take a break and watch that doe girl twitch stream

I do. I wish Ross Perot was still alive.

>Biden's a dementia ridden old man who has a pretty solid case of Sexual Assault against him
>Dems have zero fucking plans if they win an election
>This entire fucking outbreak has people turning against China
>There's a fucking decent chance that Obama could be arrested
I'd say there's a pretty fucking small chance of him losing

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hiroshimoot would need to actually do something to clean this place up
don't see that happening though since he seems to care more about keeping posts per minute high and getting as many users on here as possible

man elon musk is such a gamer
>"everyone needs to get back to work, how else am i supposed to get a high score shooting up all my go-er workers? trying to get a world record here"
controversial but powerful statement

Hopefully. Need to see more trannys seethe


being a tranny is by its very nature living in a fantasy world its asking everyone around you to create a cognitive dissonance in their own heads to make you feel better if the matrix was real trannies would fight to protect it

None of these apply to me lmao. Stay mad.