I’m installing Skyrim for the first time in 5 years, give me your character ideas.
I’m installing Skyrim for the first time in 5 years, give me your character ideas
Stealth illusionist can be fun
Well mine is the son of Sheogorath (my Oblivion protagonist), but he's no daedric prince or anything like that, he's a normal gay boy that Akatosh made Dragonborn when Sheogorath was cumming on something to create my character out of thin air.
Until a little while ago all my Elder Scrolls protagonists (all of them nords) were based on nordic gods, like, my Arena protagonist is Odin, Loki is my daggerfall one, Thor my Oblivion one and Tyr my Morrowind nerevarine. With Fenrir and Jormungandr being my TES V and TES 6 protagonist.
So he was going to have a backstory of being raised by werewolves (not him being a werewolf himself since I don't like dragonborn AND werewolf, feels like a hat on a hat).
But I think i'm gonna disregarda ll of that because I want my characters to be unique and original and not inspired by nordic gods, plus I hated the whole "Oh, your character is raised by werewolves? Well here you have a faction OF WEREWOLVES on skyrim!!!", talk about odd coincidences.
unga bunga 2hander orc
rean schwarzer.
Oh and btw, be a jack of all trades so you can join the college, thieves guild, companions, dark brotherhood, etc.
Like, mine started as a rogue who used some magic but joined mostly the college because of the main quest, joined the companions and thieves guild for money, and the Dark Brotherhood when he was depressive and cynical after defeating Anduin because his wife and kids died (I needed a way to get rid of the fucking adopted kids and make way for a romance with Serana in the dawnguard DLC).
Ohh ohh and use a pretty little axe! Since TES 6 will be on hammerfall my next charcter will be like my Dragonborn but with black hair, purple eyes and a scmitar instead of an axe!
Invincible Breton womanlet in full plate.
Don't worry, Bethesda already has that covered for you.
Hear guys, what if, what you yop's going to play a stealth archer
a lizard drunk that sells all his gear to spend the money on alcohol and whores