>How about the fact that I hate my son? I come home he's sitting on the computer in his fucking underwear. Wasting his time in some chitchat room, going back and forth with some other fucking jerkoff, giggling like a little schoolgirl. Wanna smash his fucking face in. My son.
My dad was like Tony in a lot of ways, which made watching many scenes in the Sopranos deeply uncomfortable. The only major difference was he wasn't a criminal and he sexually abused me. I'm still in therapy working on not being a timid coward who's afraid of authority. He also made fun of me whenever he saw me playing video games.
Jace Diaz
>sexual abuse from your own dad Jesus
Nicholas Murphy
Wow, you seem legitimately mad. I sure am glad I don't live in a society where you're expected to show filial piety to scumbags.
Jaxson Scott
you should have raped him to assert dominance instead you chumped out
Was your dad just taking out his wagie anger on you or was he actually in a position of authority like Tony was?
Zachary Gomez
Until I was 16, he used to cut my nails, shave me, trim my pubes, pop zits on my face and back until I would bleed and weep, smell my penis and armpits after I showered, and sometimes showered with me. He would beat me if I ever denied him. This went on until I was 16 and my mom and I moved to another state. He also signed me up to play baseball, basketball, football and soccer, all of which ended n me humilating myself. He wanted me to be good at sports even though I was an overweight spaz. I haven't seen or spoken with him in nearly a decade
Mason Stewart
Nah now that I havent been their dependent for awhile I think I've become my parents favorite child.
Jeremiah Hernandez
Hope you don't mind but can you tell the story
Nathaniel Cruz
You're dad sounds fuckin unironically BASED
Ryder Harris
Jaxon Thomas
yeah ok fez
Blake Ortiz
Who are you foolin Phil, you're gayer than Vito. Came in a napkin yeah right.
yfw this scene has probably happened irl with many 4channers and their fathers.
Andrew Flores
worthless words, people like you are pathetic
Ethan Brown
My dad bounces between hating me for turning into a loser and being sympathetic since he knows I've at least made considerable efforts in my life to move ahead, but was always pushed back down. He drove me to every single one of my job interviews; which I never got due to having no prior work experience. He was always supportive of me, but everyday I see that light fade away a little bit more.
That's really all I have right now. I'm thinking about moving out onto the rez and just living off the land. At least my dad taught me basic wilderness skills.
>My dad was like Tony in a lot of ways, which made watching many scenes in the Sopranos deeply uncomfortable. The only major difference was he wasn't a criminal and he sexually abused me. I'm still in therapy working on not being a timid coward who's afraid of authority. He also made fun of me whenever he saw me playing video games.
My old man thinks I’m the best humanity has to offer. He’s not the best judge of character.
Austin Gomez
He's a monster and I'm sorry for you having to be raised with that. Keep up the therapy and start lifting if you haven't. Maybe start visiting Zig Forums. You're gonna make it user.
David Thompson
Adam Diaz
I didn't say anyone forced the booze down my throat, retard. Same situation as no-one forcing the cock down your throat, asshole.
Benjamin Gray
He already fuckin' failed, and so did you. Fuck off.