>ignores all enemies unless its a boss
>gets the fast time
>get nothing out of it
Why is speed running a thing? Why is it mostly Nintendo games?
>ignores all enemies unless its a boss
>gets the fast time
>get nothing out of it
Why is speed running a thing? Why is it mostly Nintendo games?
do u think any of them fuck afterwards?
Maximum autism to both questions. How people can stomach playing the same game hundreds of times to shave off a few seconds I'll never comprehend.
>Be a fagg
>Color ur Hair
>You are now officially a nintendo speedrunner
>that one guy on the far left
>I'll never comprehend.
People enjoy progression and improvement in all things even video games
Most of the best games of all time just happen to be on Nintendo hardware or were made by Nintendo since they've produced high quality games for longer than most other companies
>watching other people play video games
Why is this a thing? Do you have autism?
I'm more concerned with why he's not wearing a shirt.
Uh, bigot much? she's wearing a skirt!