>he watches multiple hour video game "video essays" because he thinks it makes him smart
He watches multiple hour video game "video essays" because he thinks it makes him smart
>It's fun
>"hurr its fun"
I watched his danganronpa streams because I always love seeing people new to the series playing them. The first game was fine but in DR 2 some of his analyses were so fucking stupid.
Then I saw the silent hill clips and I realised that this guy is just someone dumb who makes long videos and essays in an attempt to look smart. He dismisses anything he doesnt personally like as "stupid" and says why ot objectively doesn't work instead of just admitting he doesn't like it personally. He believes his opinions to be objectively correct.
Yes I am autistic and yes I am triggered by him.
I watched his Danganronpa streams, he has a better grasp of the series than most fans do. Other than the 3-1 debacle it was pretty fun
Its decent background noise. I'll occasionally put on a long form video game essay if I get bored listening to my usual albums and can't mentally invest into listening to new music
I watch GDELB, the only educated games media opinion source you'll ever need.
>Then I saw the silent hill clips
he had the same issue with his INSIDE critique and whenever he brings up the plot in Dark Souls because he can't get into "show but don't tell" narratives.