Why are Final Fantasy characters racially ambiguous in so many cases?
Why are Final Fantasy characters racially ambiguous in so many cases?
I dunno. Why does it matter?
Because it's fantasy
Is there more?
Yuna MOGs every single other FF character. Loved in Japan and in the West. Constantly top 3 in polls. How does she do it lads
This. Why does it matter? Why are Americans so obscenely obsessed with race?
because the creator wasn't a virgin and therefore had no interest in race as a topic
She's objectively the best girl in the franchise
You spelled Rikku wrong bro.
I don't know bout that bitch but Tifa is White.
Literally just white virgin males. Not even meming. Talk to anyone that has had sex and it is a completely different experience.
>when another woman looks better then you in your own custom outfit
Step aside slut
Fuck all that bullshit this is now a yuna thread
Rikku is great of course, but nobody compares to Yuna. It's perfectly acceptable to name Rikku as 2nd best after her.
Because they're all mutts and think that being a purebreed would fix their lives.
It wouldn't
that's a jap
>racially ambiguous
They're either White or Asian, or in-between them.
There are a few Black men there but Black women are completely excluded from the cast and it's racist.
what was the ethics department doing back then?
>FFX came out in 2001
Somehow the passage of time always escapes me.
Idk man I'm 99.8% Scandinavian and I'm really happy and well adjusted.
>ywn adventure with yuna and slowly build a bond with her until you guys ultimately make love while khimari watches
I don’t know if i can keep going bros....
>zidane's jp name is jitan
Should I play the PS3 version of FFX HD? I heard they changed the models a bit and it can't be modded like the PC version.
>3 final fantasy racebait threads within an hour. What is this autists major malfunction?
It's a fantasy world.
Why do you care?
They are never racially ambiguous unless the FF is an old game where the graphic quality is so low you can't see the characters, and even then their races are pretty obvious.
So is this a thinly veiled FF coomer thread or what?
If you're talking from that era, its because all chars looking chinky in everyday 3D was not something the creators were a fan of, but they at least got a bit chinky during the CGI scenes.
>muh style.
Imagine being the internet idiot obsessed with race even though you're never passing your genes forward.
because I don't know if I should praise their diversity or hate them for having so many white protagonists.
Back to twitter with you
That pic angers me. Like seeing your sister becoming a prostitute
You take that back. Lightning has... breasts. What she's lacking she more than makes up for in smiles.
Just stop
>FFX came out in 2001
>is Yuna Asian or White?
>FFVII remake in 2020
>is Tifa Asian or White?
>same racial argument has kept going for 20 years
Is this common outside of Zig Forums, or is it just we're too autistic?