Stop playing video games.
Stop playing video games
Usually people making these statements are just projecting.
>has the word idiot in his twitter handle
words of true wisdom
Sounds just as much like an excellent pathway to an early death.
I work for a few weeks a year as an "artist" who takes money from retards on patreon
I'll probably hit my first million earned before 30
Some Boomer-tier logic.
Do you make a porn game or something?
im a professional neet with years of experience, who are you buddy?
more likely he's already well-established in his career and is just complaining about those damn millennials not wanting to work for a living, despite himself not working nights and weekends in his 20s
Luckily im not an American who needs to work 2 shifts a day to survive while simultaneously having the largest wealth disparity in the world
Do you think maybe this person could just be joking? Nah that couldn't be possible
>please waste your time wagecucking for me
fuck off jew
Why do I want a successful career if it consumed the best years of my life to get it, again?
I love wagie threads
>p-please shekelberg, allow me to work 24 hours this weekend. I would love nothing more to earn you more money so please consider it
>Be me
>28yrs old
>Value my weekend and free time over my wage
>Currently Head of IT for a software company that I fell into because others in the department left.
Feels alright.
Do you draw commissioned shit for furries? My mates gf does that
>just be a slave for 10 years dude and then you’ll be rich lmao
I work nights and weekends
Honestly, being by myself and running my department is pretty great. Sometimes I get paid to sleep. I don't have anyone to deal with. I don't wake up at 6 am. I don't go through traffic. I get paid more to do less.
Don't listen to these retards, being workaholic is as bad as being NEET. You will burn out hard eventually.
It's all about balance.
>villain was the good guy all along
>game allows you to confiscate the weapons of enemies
It's true. When the bosses above you are so smart, you need to work harder to get ahead of them.
I'm 30 with 2 different degrees and am unsuccessful.
his entire Twitter feed is shilling crypto and his startup app so I doubt it.
Might be a good reason why everyone left.
usually just poor people have to work nights and weekends. get a real job
i wouldn't believe a word this faggot says
Lefties hated him for being a union buster though
*sniff sniff*.. AHHHHHHHHH smell that wet musky scent
>Elon Musk will run for president in your life time
oh shit oh boy
The poor, and everyone who wants to be a C-level executive. Normal people can work normal hours.
How do you even begin to build a following for patreon bux? For artists do you have to either be insanely talented, draw porn, or both?
I'm head of IT at 26 and usually refuse to work past 5, though this WFH shit has blurred the lines a bit
Lefties hated him for a lot more reasons than that.
i'll go a step further and say he did it once and now he tells himself he did it all the time so he can jerk himself off more
I have no hobbies or interests so I prefer just working constantly.
So you get paid for shitposting here?
Future middle manager right here
Somebody please tell me this is satire and not serious.
It's sad that people honestly think this shit works in this modern age. When I first started job hunting the majority of places I went into asking if they were hiring told me to apply online.
Zig Forumsnigger here.
I hate him for shilling EVs and putting tablets in car interiors.
this is som pretty mild stuff, why does it keep getting reposted?
I would say almost every job requires at least some weekend work. Shit, the average graduate student easily works 50-60 hours a week, maybe more when they're finishing their thesis. The idea that anyone isn't working weekends is where this guy's bait gets me, I don't know a single person who doesn't work some weekends/extra hours for their job.
America is a giant satire to humanity.
I worked a weekend job and an overnight job in my 20s while going to college so I could borrow as little as possible.
My friends who didn't go to school or kill themselves working crazy hours all ended up as successful as me. We are in our early 30's now and we're all in great caterers, houses, some married, ect.
The difference is myself and one other friend have student loan debt. The others don't.
The only secret to being successful in the US is being born into a rich family. One that can pay for University so you don't have to borrow and one that has connections to get you into a good career path. Hard work has little to do with it.
it's real, this d-list celebrity actually thinks he's a representative of the working man and their attitudes because he did some gross jobs for a single day for a TV show
There's so many reasons I wouldn't holiday in America but this might be the biggest. What a fucking bizarre culture. How do they even decide who does or does not tip? If you don't tip a hairdresser can you not go back for fear of reprisal?
>just barely enough room to sit comfortably
>absolutely no privacy
>if you have a computer in there as well it's going to get hot as fuck in that sweat box
This can't be real
Tablets would have been part of the interior with or without Tesla, he just put BEEG TABLETS
Not American; why should I pay some cheap fuck's employees?
>Gratuity System.
Get. Fucked.
>he doesn't have a 40h job that the bills, hobbies, as well as savings
Just buy Bitcoin / Amazon retard.
I am retiring in 10 years. Fuck wageslaves.
You know what must be done to stop this.
not an american national
here's your tip, sweetie
Based. Just make sure you don't waste it, if a recession hits it'll probably affect you pretty harshly so don't plan around it as a stable income source.
Fucking this. The sequel is when they get interviewed and say they have wide open availability, and then freak out when they get scheduled for a full week and heavily insinuate they only want one 5 hour shift a week. Be truthful so we don't expect the load to be shared where we can go home and play video games.
I work nights and weekends and I own a house. I play 16 hours of vidya a week minimum, you don’t need to stop playing games you need to have a job that doesn’t eat all your time.
>quote a meme
>retards fawn over you despite your true ideology and actions
unironically based
based beyond all reason
Work smart, not hard.
A fool who works all the time without enjoying the fruits of his labor is someone who is wasting their life.
Also life is random as fuck these days, you could have literally no education but still make it somehow either through nepotism or doing something on the internet.
don't European restaurants have a gratuity included?
the flat metal bench seat seems kind of the worst of all
I don't even own a phone, I love the weird looks I get when I tell people, obviously I also never get hired because of it, truly living the NEET lyfe
who? stop spamming twittercap faggot
I have no doubt that the server wrote this themselves to try and get sympathy money online, like it's happened several times before
>for a TV show
I think the millions he made off of his role for the show provided more justification.
I work(ed) in an Open Office and we didn't have pods like that, but there pretty much phone booths for "quiet spaces" and they are exactly how you describe them.
Hot, uncomfortable, and the glass door is behind you so it constantly feels uneasy.
I'm god damn ecstatic that this whole pandemic is making companies look at the fact that they don't need to drag people into the office through traffic every single day when they can do the exact same job from home.
Dooood what if we got the customer to pay the staff and made them feel like assholes if they didnt?
Doooood what if the staff ended up getting paid way more if they get tips vs a normal pay so they enforce it too?
Where I live it’s usually if you have a party of 8+, otherwise it’s optional. My friends and I usually tip though.
>work a full week
>absolutely bust ass at work
>management loves me, they keep telling me I need to take a vacation
>just want to go home and play video games every day
>go home and play video games
>still a lazy millennial according to parents because I come home and play video games
I moved out a year ago, and I finally get to just come home and play video games.
>Got a bachelor's degree and master's while drunk and balls deep in some slut while not in class 90% of my college career
>Work part-time all through my 20s
>Wind up falling into a management position where I just shitpost half of the day while waiting to sign important documents
>Do well at it and just be personable/friendly at work and I'm made a junior exec at 29
>Continue to shitpost most of my working day when it travelling and barebacking hotel bar business women
I hope this condescending, projecting, South Park avatar-having chuckle fuck scrubs piss out of carpets for a living. We're all going to make it guys, just be a bro at work and DON'T let people trample over you with overtime (which is just letting management know you're just cattle to be used and kept in place) and you'll rise to the top.
>reddit found out who this server was and raised them $5000
Those incels showed her!
It's not that bad. Just chuck like 20 percent on at the end of the meal and you're sorted.
Prove it
here's a classic
I'm hopeful this will lead to more legit working from home jobs. Especially since companies are considering it because of how much money they'd save not renting an office space
Does being on-call on rotation count?
what the fuck is wrong with you Americans
I did that, now unemployed while the economy is closed. It's almost like there's more to life than being a kike wage slave.
It's just typical boomer shit desu, applied for them when things were much different. Significant debt is now basically a necessity to get an education and participate in the skilled/professional workforce. Trying hard only gets you so far when labor is far more devalued today than it was 40 years ago. It gets reposted in part because it shows the disconnect between the previous generation or two and ours. Older people honestly wonder why the current generation is so hopeless on their prospects, and it's because there are some serious economic problems facing the younger section of the workforce.
I'm also lazy as fuck and hide from work, but people like me because I'm always friendly and help them out often.
That made me kek.