Be Honest Zig Forums

Your favorite Breath of the Wild costume is Gayrudo Link.

Attached: Gayrudo link.jpg (1080x1619, 338.69K)

Trannies should all be publically executed

My favorite is the climbing gear. It's useful but also sexy. Link is a cute boy, crossdressing is a meme.

nah, stealth set

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There’s a link that appeals to everyone now. I wasn’t really into him until they made BoTW link a femboy slut

well there was that 3ds game before botw that had cheerleader link

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Funny how Link went from a top Aryan Templar Chad to a bottom transitioning Femboy HRT taking Sissy in 30 years kek

At least my boy Purple Link is no longer consider as a faggot... Hahaha... Yea...

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My favorite outfit is the other Gerudo outfit, the skeleton luchador one.

This is sad
imagine pozzing your second biggest franchise

Dunno, only played with the Linkle mod.

That is not Pokémon.

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>average Nintendo fan over the age of 11

I mean literally pozzing

Dude, he looks like a boy. That's gay.

Attached: DTfV8VpV4AAoy9y.jpg (1200x900, 133.79K)

>click this expecting link to have a guitar strung over his back like that one picture
>it's actually his ass

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I need to be more convinced

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Men don't have hips like that you stupid faggot

what's the difference between a femboy and a twink?

My favorite is the Barbarian armor.

Yes they do

As I understand it:
A twink is a gay bottom who takes on a more female appearance while a femboy is a male who appears very effeminate who may or may not be gay

Attached: 1587914380876.jpg (640x727, 32.19K)

A femboy puts in more effort to deliberately look feminine. Femboys are part of the wider twink category though, generally.

I feel really bad for him. Looks disfigured.

Where can I go to put my dick into his ass?

Shoulders are still wider than hips you fucking spastic.
Have you never seen a woman before?

Shoulders wider than hips is extremely common for women.
Have you never seen an actual woman before? Hentai doesn't count, you know.