Does Spider-Man take place in the future? I can see A-Day being an event that happened in 2015, while Spider-Man takes place in 2018. Task Master says that he's already tangled with The Avengers.
Marvel Gamerverse(TM)
Who gives a fuck your dweeby fag
Yeah talk about bloodborne lore or fucking smash headcanon.
You fucking idiot.
the gameverse is just for licensing merchandise MVCI is part of the gamverse and so is ultimate alliance 3 it has nothing to do with story
Go back to Facebook you fucking retard
I care.
Honestly I'm not sure, the problem is that uncle Ben died in 2010 which means Peter has been Spider-man for 8 years. But during the Avengers trailer they stated that after 5 years since they disbanded AIM outlawed all superheroes with their robots. So place it between 2010-2018 Spider-man lost at least 5 years of experience which doesn't make sense. Also factor in Kamala khan who should be younger than Spider-man.
Avengers leaks are out. The game ends in New York on top of Avenger's Tower
crystal dynamics was a really weird pick to make the game