Marvel Gamerverse(TM)

Does Spider-Man take place in the future? I can see A-Day being an event that happened in 2015, while Spider-Man takes place in 2018. Task Master says that he's already tangled with The Avengers.

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Who gives a fuck your dweeby fag

Yeah talk about bloodborne lore or fucking smash headcanon.

You fucking idiot.

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the gameverse is just for licensing merchandise MVCI is part of the gamverse and so is ultimate alliance 3 it has nothing to do with story

Go back to Facebook you fucking retard

I care.

Honestly I'm not sure, the problem is that uncle Ben died in 2010 which means Peter has been Spider-man for 8 years. But during the Avengers trailer they stated that after 5 years since they disbanded AIM outlawed all superheroes with their robots. So place it between 2010-2018 Spider-man lost at least 5 years of experience which doesn't make sense. Also factor in Kamala khan who should be younger than Spider-man.

Avengers leaks are out. The game ends in New York on top of Avenger's Tower

crystal dynamics was a really weird pick to make the game