Zoologist NPC from Terraria

Zoologist NPC from Terraria

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>get another fairy again
>it points out to treasure
>its another fucking gold vein

pretty sure you can't have gold and platinum veins in the same world

>He doesn't know...

I wonder how many animals she has fucked. Haha

>Me exploring the Hallow for some crystals and shit.
>Found worms and bugs so I capture them with my net to use them as bait since I don't have a lot of bait for fishing.
>Accidentally kill a bunch of them
>One of the bugs was you know what
>20 seconds later I am dead

And now I am traumatized for life.

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I eventually end finding one but it's on stupid small amounts compared to gold
I just want to finish up the armor and move on.

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Just humans

>fairy points at a chest i looted

All of them. Literally every single animal that spawns in your world. She has fucked them. Males, females, asexual bug things, she has done the dirty with the whole lot. Big enough to kill her, small enough to crush in a second, it doesn't matter. Every single animal has been introduced to her genitals.

That's why you break them and sell them/use them for storage, user.

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Or save them for Mimic farming.

Slime Queen

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I'm kinda mad that I got spoiled what the new boss was.

>first timer
>play expert
>die over and over and over

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>Mimic farming
Tell me more

>play journey
>put spawn rate at x10
at least banners are useful now

This bitch...
Good god, she's annoying and impossible to fight in Underground Hallow.
>Constantly tries to jump on you like a Mimic, but several times wider
>Constantly spitting out super bouncy balls that go everywhere if there's walls
>Adds are far fewer, but have way more HP and either shoot super-fast targeted projectiles from up to a screen away or spew spikes even if you're not there creating massive areas of denial
>And then at half health, she just starts fucking FLYING
Holy fuck.

There is another...

Step 1: Get chests
Step 2: Get to Hardmode
Step 3: Farm up a bunch of Souls of Light or Night
Step 4: Craft Keys of Light or Night
Step 5: Put those Keys (1 per) in Chests
Step 6: Kill the Mimics

Bullshit, there is only 15 bosses. And I beat 13 excluding moonlord, so the slime queen is the only new boss.

theres two new bosses

Zoologist NPC from Terraria

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There is 2 new bosses. The other one is also in the Hallow and you can fight it after defeating Plantera.

So start searching.


Never really played much. Not really sure what to do.
What is the best guide to point you where to go/what to do next?

This is an EXTREMEâ„¢ THIRST.

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unironically: guide npc

>Spoiled the exploration
Ah, well. Hopefully I'll forget about your words in a few hours or so. I probably won't

I am now a furry

And she gets even better during a full moon.

You know that guy that spawns next to you when you start playing? He's the best Guide.

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>tedit 1.4 beta
so what will come first, stable tedit 1.4 or red unfucking the world creation?