Alright guys i beat etrian odyssey 4, good game, i don't get why you guys said it was bad

alright guys i beat etrian odyssey 4, good game, i don't get why you guys said it was bad
i thought it would be longer but it was still fun
the bug boss at the end was annoying though
anyway which one should i play next

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EOU2 is still the best

You can play literally any of them, for better or worse the games are very formulaic and similar to each other. The series has given me hundreds of hours of joy and I like each installment besides some spinoffs like the Mystery Dungeon game. Just pick the one that interests you most.

What are they looking at?

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skip nds games as they are shitty and irrelevant and 2U because it fucking sucks

4 isn't bad, its just kind of basic and dumbed down a little compared to 3 and 5. Both of the Untold games are worth a play, and consider Nexus to wrap it all up then wait for the innevitable gacha game.

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>i don't get why you guys said it was bad
It's not bad, it's easy and has a good number of flaws that become more apparent the more experience you have with the series.
>play next

Now this is a high quality shitpost.

Play V

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>truth is shitpost

>All of the love for V

>2U sucks
>3 isn't worth playing
I smell shit and it's coming from your post.

the next game I played after 4 was 2U, expert classic

>pretending 2 and its remake unsurprisingly aren't flaming dogshit
They should actually feel embarassed that they allowed these games to exist

2 is dogshit, 2U is pretty good.

It's not

The OP image made me interested in the game, how do i get into this series?

Few people think IV is bad but it is definitely the worst Etrian next to Nexus.

you download and play it

Who said EO4 wasn't worth playing?
I would recommend playing the classic modes of EOU1 and 2. Then play EOV. I suggest this order so you'll get more of the references in Etrian Odyssey Nexus which is a anthology game

Etrian Odyssey 4 where you can have pic related be your tank

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Become a pedophile

Start with the first game. If you don't like that one skip to 3 and start from there. Outside of playing Nexus first there isn't really a wrong way to experience the series.

EO3 is the best one to start with as a casual.
EO1 is the best one to start with if you want the 'hardcore' experience. ESPECIALLY if you go in completely blind and don't look anything up.
EO4 is the worst in the mainline series.
EO5 is a fine place to start. It's casualized but also has a bunch of QoL improvements.
EO:Nexus might be the best overall, but a large part of that requires you to have played previous entries in the series to appreciate the nostalgia/references/homages.

There are no Etrian Odyssey games that are actively bad. The Untold games are not worth playing over the originals in my opinion, but a lot of people disagree with me and would actually claim it's the other way round and you shouldn't play the original two games and just play the untold versions instead. The only wrong place to start is Nexus and even then if you only ever want to play one EO game it's a fine choice.

2 and its remake are entirely different games wearing the same skin. 2 excels in dungeon design and is the last game in the series to feature some truly bizarre quest and dungeon design before 3 set the foundation in stone and 2 Untold has some of the best class balance and fights in the series at the cost of less interesting dungeon layouts.

a reasonable poster on Zig Forums, what the fuck?
Another thing I appreciated about 2 is that it was the last game where you're encouraged to raise multiple characters for various utility tasks, e.g. the survivalist can actually fill a scout niche since getting cornered by FOEs is so damn dangerous, every game after made exploration way too relaxed

>2 Untold has some of the best class balance
lmao no

>EO4 is the worst in the mainline series.
>EO5 is a fine place to start.
I'd switch these around, 5 changes too much from the usual series setup to really be a good introduction to the series, 4 is short, easy and casual as hell but it's a perfect introduction to the series if they find 3 too difficult.
>EO:Nexus might be the best overall, but a large part of that requires you to have played previous entries in the series to appreciate the nostalgia/references/homages.
Not even close to the best, if anything Nexus needed way more dev time. Game starts out strong but that's about it.
>There are no Etrian Odyssey games that are actively bad.
Mystery Dungeon says hi.
>The Untold games are not worth playing over the originals in my opinion, but a lot of people disagree with me and would actually claim it's the other way round and you shouldn't play the original two games and just play the untold versions instead.
If it's an either/or scenario, then the Untolds are the only reasonable option since it's not worth trudging through the first game and a lot of its broken design elements just for an unfucked plot and Claret Hollows. Grimoires suck but the core gameplay of the games is still better than the originals.

>i don't get why you guys said it was bad

Is is pretty good and my favorite EO, but I can see why people dislike it. I'd say you should play III next before you dive into the other 3DS games.

Dancer best girl.

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EMD is fine as long as you're not a fucking brainlet who expected a full blown EO game from a MD spinoff

The game itself isn't even a good MD spinoff though. Haven't played the second one but I heard it wasn't much better than the first one either.

it's fine, no MD spinoffs are good to begin with