Why is epic so based when it comes to FN skin?
Why is epic so based when it comes to FN skin?
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Attractive women make money. Fortnite devs understand that.
Could it also be the lack of white people involved in the development of this game?
Well, why?
um no sweaty attractive women are problematic and need to be removed from all media
Cause they're not good enough to get that epic victory royale
Why is this journalist is not a woman?
>the Nintendo man child that plays a recycled game from 20 years ago asks me to go back to R
Fuuuk. Brb downloading fortnite
because tim loves his waifus and hates sjw faggotry
post the butt webms i need to coom
Could you post a picture of the see through jacket girl. Pretty please?
When will they get rid of the grind in Save the World mode?
They got a robogirl which I respect them for that
Minecraft is the Reddit game actually
Fortnite itself is a fun game, but the community is absolutely disgusting. It is very fun as a European though if you want xenophobic arguments.
is it all just Kurwaposting?
Looks like a tranny.
So is Fortnite
Help I cant stop beating off to Fortnite poen
You get a blend of frogs, spaniards, gopniks, chavs, krauts, spaghetti-nonces, plumbers, etc.
Why is Epic so redpilled?
Zoomers are the biggest sex addicts so easy money
Because it's for Zoomers and Coomers.
Most Zoomers don't give a fuck about any SJW pandering and Coomers will buy anything with an ass.
It does help that Epic panders really well to all fetishes.
god yes more
>Soulless cash grab battle royale
OP is a faggot and a shill
of course. based chinks delivering aesthetic beauty in exchange for that sweet v buck cash. just as it should be
>that fringe physics
Why is everyone so afraid of the female thigh/crotch gap. I hate the ugly rounded off look. It's inescapably horrid in every conceivable way and its present in every game. It's the new ken doll look but for females. Even the tits are questionable. No bulges, no boxes, just this dickless genderless fucking freak with no tits.
because chinks are coomers
They saw that they could capitalize on sexy skins since no other western company is doing such a thing.
>Coomers will buy anything with an ass.
>can't earn skins without playing all day every day
I got to 35 and didn't unlock a damn thing worth playing for. Fuck this game and it's skinnerbox bullshit.
because no women was good enough to make to the finals? I know this guy just made this article to gender bait.
>pink hair
>face covered
that's a tranny
remember to stay Zig Forums
begone furfag
pew pew
This thread reminds me of the time when Randy Pitchford "discovered" Battleborn's rule 34 subreddit.
I wish FPSblyck did more of her desu
You can easily play a few matches a day and get to 100 which gives 1.5k vbucks. Plus they have challenges that give you a good deal of exp.
That's because this a blatant coomer shill thread
Cultivating a generation of coomers.
Best ass and tiddies coming through
>How do you do, fellow coomers. Did you know Fortnite looks like THAT?
Are any of these skins obtainable without having to spend real money?
>tfw most of the action figures are dudes
Never see anyone using this skin and I don’t think it copies any faces
Because Zig Forums is not perpetually horny all the time already??
You get 1.5k vbucks each battle pass if you level up to 100.
Is that even possible for the average player?
>this dumbass thinks this is a good ass
it's the guardian. are you surprised?
>tfw no AUGf
I miss this guy.