N-no genocide is bad

>n-no genocide is bad

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The Imperium needs to enforce a strong, mainly ontological moral code if they want to stand up to the different armies and other entities that threaten their existence.

If the troops of the imperium knew backing off was a possibility, the imperium would fall within months.

40k is a world where literal hell and literal devils exist, and the Imperium happens to have the tools to combat said demons. This is a setting where enough trannies gathering together and being degenerate can result in an entire planet being infested by demons. It's hard to be too critical of the totalitarian state given those circumstances

thats not how a line graph works

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you're not wrong, but the savagery and despotism of said totalitarian state causes just as many problems in the warp as the tranny degenerates do.

Why is it that those who vocally support genocide are frequently the same types of people who would be the first sent to the ovens?

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Can you name a single fucking major alien race in 40k that isn't going to murder humans as a default reaction to their existance? lets go down the list of the big ones.
Orks? enslave and murder, kill for sport
Eldar? consider you barely sentient, better to lead another enemy in wiping out a world of billions of humans rather than risk a single eldar life
Dark Eldar? Torture forever
Tyranids? get eaten fuckboi
The only one where there is grounds to even talk is the fucking Tau, who are hopelessly naive and likely to get wiped out by chaos or nids.

Anyone who posts a gigachad pic is always fat IRL. Why is that

I see literally no reason to not to genocide xenos.

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Because they think if they fight for it they'll be spared, probably.

The same proponents of the mutt meme, you could scarcely call them 'white'.

>Eldar? consider you barely sentient, better to lead another enemy in wiping out a world of billions of humans rather than risk a single eldar life
Sounds based, though I hold this view towards my own race in regards to other races on this planet.
I'd rather save my dog from a certain death, even if saving it would lead 10 000 niggers straight to hell.

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Accurate, but shift everyone down by about 80IQ due to being 40k fans.

no one was ever sent to the ovens

genocide good

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>"we must exterminate x people"
>"because they are inferior"
>then why do we have to exterminate them? won't they just die off naturally?

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>nooo you can't just fuck hot tight xeno pussy we're supposed to genocide them!!!

Stop crying

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>Trannies are just as bad totalitarian states

>40 cringe

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imagine seriously considering even for a second the thought of showing mercy to any xenos in 40k, it's fucking suicidal and retarded, bet you love the idea of AI too


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>if i keep posting bait eventualy someone will get angry and quote me

Why yes, I would join the greater good. How could you tell? Its just common sense and their Tau science is FRIKIN EPIC!!!

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Whats the deal with Primaris marines? Are they just Super Space Marines or clones or what?

Also fuck Ultramarines, Imperial Fists should be the "default" Chapter

congratulations, you figured out one out of many conflicts and themes present in the WH40k narrative?

>won't they just die off naturally?
what kind of retarded logic is this?

they are a new evolution of space marine
they have a few extra organs and are more resistent
they are basicaly space marines 2.0, and normal marines can be upgraded to become primaris

Why are 40k fans so insecure?

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dont you have a naked body to apply oil to?

>our garden is having a plague
>we must exterminate the plague
>wont the plague end eventualy?
>yeah after they killed everything there, we must act before that

you know what's fucked? i'd love tau if they didn't clash so hard with the setting, they need more grit because i do love those fucking mechas

well get those clothes off then, cowboy

>Are they just Super Space Marines
yeah basically
they're space marines but even bigger, have additional organ transplants and are supposedly uncorruptable and will never fall to chaos
also all the gene-seed flaws of parent chapters have been fixed in primaris so space wolf primaris don't turn into wolves
they never have missing or degenerated organs and so on

you would like that

I unironically love the design and lore of the Tau, theu're the one unique alien race in W40k

So Super Space Marines, okay, thank you

Tau > Humans

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>This is a setting where enough trannies gathering together and being degenerate can result in an entire planet being infested by demons
It’s the same way in our universe too, lad

>all the gene-seed flaws of parent chapters have been fixed in primaris so space wolf primaris don't turn into wolves
so they finaly used the dark angels superior gene seed for something?

Gas the ethereals caste war now !

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>no fun gene-seed flaws
No wonder the fucking Ultratards invented them

>TFW no eldar GF

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>omg those are new space marines they are stronger biger and you cannot defeat them no xdxdd
was that an idea of "that kid" who would type "it was hologram" in his deviantart roleplaying sessions

>AI good, why Imperium doesnt like AI?

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its for game balance
space marines have extra organs so they can resist deadly wounds, but in the game they only have 1 wound before they die

primaris have 2.

people tend to forget 40k is a tabletop game

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