Jak and Daxter thread

>Jak 2 OST from PS4 collector's edition with unreleased songs here
What are (You)r favorite songs from the series?

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A lot of these a very intersting. Jak 2 is one of the most mysterious game devs, what was it like before the style switch? What was it like in the plan that used all these songs?

I'm not sure if there ever was a period between 1 and 2 where they didn't have haven and the future timeline in mind
Could be wrong tho

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I made this image. Feels good to see it reposted.

Thanks for it, its well done
I once tried to make my BO3 emblem as a pacha soldier but gave up after a while
I'm familiar with jak as pacha of course but what character is daxter emulating in the pic?


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They probably realized they needed more edge and guns to compete in the market before Jak 1 was even released.

The fact that I didn't recognize that makes me realize I need to watch TENG again, its been a while

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It's a good movie.

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those bangers got me like

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When the FUCK are we getting new Jak and Daxter stuff?

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You have to understand that pretty much everyone who worked at Naughty Dog during the Jak era is gone now. They literally scrapped a possible Jak 4 because they could not comprehend the idea of making a game without a hyper realistic artstyle.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-05-18 Jak 4.png (770x893, 636.93K)

I know, but you think they might have realized their mistake and gone back to the OG artstyle and tried again with some concepts or something
They're currently in pre-production of their next game while they finish off Abby's Pro Tour 2020 and if its not a Jak and Daxter title coming afterwards, then maybe they could just unload the IP to some other company?
A bunch of classic IP's are coming back and selling wicked strong, a new Jak title with more fleshed out characters and better production value with 15+ years of hindsight could make for a fantastic 3D platformer/TPS/puzzle/racing game

Attached: Jak_4_concept_art_1.png (1000x1333, 1.95M)

>I know, but you think they might have realized their mistake
Umm.... Druckman doesn't make mistakes sweetie. Jak was just a shitty franchise for gay babies.

Fuckin A, brother, aside from the character revamps I love the Jak 4 concept art. Give me the goddamned game and I'll buy the PS5.

These are fucking great god damn.

>mfw i'm too fun to have a new title

New Jak title = guarantee PS5 purchase

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The gold challenge for the city race on jak 2 can go suck the fucking biggest of cocks. 2:07 is downright retardedly masochistic and whoever designed the vehicle handling in that game should burn in hell until the end of time.

Besides that, love them.

remmeber when sony released a version of jak 2 for ps4 literally worse than emulation on a shitty pc
i want my money back

Using hero mode and some cheats I made a stylish run of Jak 3

>Hero mode on
>unlimited eco and ammo

Plant a DMC style meter in your head and see what sick time stop and grav gun combos you can do

This person fucks up in numerous spots and still gets gold
Just memorize where you need to go and thats the hard part out of the way, its not that hard my dude
>not the drill platform turret mission on hero mode
>not implementing an option to un-invert the aiming
Still the only reason that filters me to this day is the shitty forced inverted y-axis aiming

power tripping in Jak 2 and 3 is fun as hell

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>game FINALLY gets an official soundtrack release 17yrs later
>not only are they the original source files uncompressed, but also included is the previously unavailable cinematic music and cut themes

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>they never came back

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Going back to the Citadel in 3 would have been kino

>Wanting nu-Dog to touch Jak


I always wondered how the metal heads were able to get inside the the now abandoned part of the city near Samos hut.


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I forgot how gay Razer was

is haven city supposed to be an artificial land mass


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