God of War director retweeted Bloodborne PC leak news tweet

>God of War director retweeted Bloodborne PC leak news tweet
What exactly does he imply with that?

Attached: bloodborne.png (591x492, 311.06K)

>its real

this is hype is getting more and more serious

Attached: 453213.jpg (713x565, 37.67K)

Probably that he also wants his game to come to PC so that more people can play it.

inb4 epic exclusive

please no

Corey is a PCfag. He would let GoW go to PC too.


>free game
Failing to see the problem here.

>makes all the sense in the world, a the purpose is it selling consoles.
Sounds like cope, Nintendo does not do this.

Attached: 9c9.png (747x525, 265.12K)

He share everything he likes. He wants GOW on PC too.