Well Zig Forums can we finally put the console wars to rest now?

Well Zig Forums can we finally put the console wars to rest now?

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Guess eating shit is also fine if you enjoy it.

There aren't even any console wars.
Anyone with a fucking brain knows that PC will always be best, with the only reason to own consoles is exclusives.

Why do Zoomers like Rick and Morty so much?

Go back to r*ddit nigger

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>Don't eat shit
>People start eating shit
>"Stop eating shit"
>"Stop being a contrarian, why do you hate fun?"
>Suddenly only shit is being made since retards will not only eat the shit but actively and openly defend the shit eating
>No more good video games just shit

>waaaaahhh dont insult me waaahhh

Grow the fuck up retard and fuck off back to redddit
Its called banter you little bitch

>watching movies on your ps4 is fucking retarded and boring
seems right

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>reddit memes
Boo this man!

This isn't true. If you have fun """""gaming""""" on a phone, you're a fag.

This, gaming is dead

My platform's fun is more fun than your platform's fun.

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>food analogy

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What if im playing SNES kino or Open MW though?

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Nah i love seeing snoy meltdown everytime their "exclusive" get ported to other platforms or based cuck devs include trannies in their favorite vidya franchise

This meme format is quintessential reddit, just like that other meme where Lisa Simpson is on stage standing in front of an opinion, pure reddit.

It honestly goes in cycles mate. I remember pc gaming being dead, I remember grafix not being important at least 4 times now before it was suddenly important again. I remember people getting almost violent over defending their particular device. I remember omnifags and idorts once again prowling like giants in the playground. I remember when the meming gets to the point where every console is a caricature of itself, and then it calms down.

Then it all happens all over again. This is the...fourth, fifth time its happened on Zig Forums, and we have become exceedingly efficient with it.

What's the Zig Forums version? A gangbang of my opinion while (you) sit in the corner smoking?

Why do you care though?

People hate what they can't have or obsess with it.

>Reddit & Markiplier



Ah so the Sony damage controls begins.

Still using shitty touch screen controls.

>He thinks shit is food

Reddit aside, he's kinda right.
There is no such thing as objective fun, though some people equate that to mean that there is no such thing as a superior platform, which is of course THE PS TRIPLE

I ain't playing with no deel-do.

Console wars only exist for poor people. Atm i do not have a desktop but plan to build another. I was using one my brother build for the other room and could not bring it when i moved out so i use a shit labtop to play shit like Diablo 2 and consoles for alot of games. But i have money and just need to devote alittle time.

I feel like its alot of lazy poor seething people that make up console faggotry. That and underaged/genuinely brand loyal retards. I don't see a purpose to it. The only time i get alittle pissed is if a game is console exclusive and i don't want to play a single other thing on that console. But i've never bought a console i didn't develop atleast 10 game library for.

>rick and morty
>big white area to put whatever text you want with minimal effort because the image itself is meaningless
Fuck off.

But its fun and they work perfectly with JRPGS and Open MW. Me thinks you're just autistic and fat

>The only time i get alittle pissed is if a game is console exclusive and i don't want to play a single other thing on that console
Tell me about it, it's even worse if you find enough games but all but 2 get ported to PC or another system.

This. A PC can run shit better but it doesn't mean the person who has a PC cannot be some cuck playing shitty meme games or Fallout New Vegas for the 100th time. Its even better with fightan threads where every PC player is some cuck hiding in fightcade to get e-cred but won't even post their fightcade name in that shit because of the few idorts who will eat their fake elitist ass alive.

the more consoles there is the more everyone gets fucked over

I agree but console wars will never stop since some of the participants are literally autistic and do it honestly

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Frogposters confirmed for eating shit

>defends eating shit
Like clockwork

Unless exclusives stop being a thing this will never be true.
Divide and conquer until everything is a multi-platform release, only then will there be peace.

Lmfao I've been challenged to money matches in /tekgen/ many times and they never put up.


also rick and morty is shit

No, Zig Forums has to be in an eternal state of anger. I don't care, though.

One thing to applaud microsoft for is that pretty much all of their new games are coming to pc as well as SeX.