Why the fuck does Reddit love Nadine so much? You could make the most logical thread about why UC4 sucks and they'd be on board, but the second you'd mention Nadine, they'd lose their shit and tell you you're an incel or something.
She's an atrocious character who doesn't exist for anything other than beating Nate.
You know what I've noticed? Most of the progressive devs haven't talked to a black person or whatever group they're desperately trying to represent in their lives
Dylan Adams
woman, black, lesbian
Levi James
The funny thing is that when the game came out, long before "Incel" was a thing, they would call you racist for not liking her. Now that incel is everywhere, they call you an incel and don't even allude at you being racist.
Ian James
Why did Nathan hold back against this bitch again?
At least they learned something from this and made Abby a roided ape, so at least it looks more believable.
Jordan Parker
She a black woman who doesn't need a man and she continually beats the main character white male's ass.
Hudson Walker
I personally hate her because she's an actual war criminal who gets away with a slap on the wrist because MUH FEMINISM. She literally never gets her comeuppance despite beating the shit out of the protagonist at every encounter they have, with no possibility to turn the ropes. It's ridiculous because she's considerably smaller and thinner than the 2 guys she fights against, and yet she easily overpowers them. People tend to say "but muh martial arts training and technique!" but you can clearly see in her fight scenes that she overpowers Nate and Co through sheer brute strength, not technique.
Bentley Bennett
Then again, she got beaten by asav. So you're wrong
Ryan Miller
>You could make the most logical thread about why UC4 sucks well make one here you dumb cuck, or go back on credit wif you like it so much
Ethan Rivera
Too much climbing and walking leads to the worst pacing in the series after 1. It would have been a lot better had the game been 5 hours shorter
I liked how the bad guy in Lost Legacy beat the shit out of her. I think Nathan is just a big pussy.
Christopher Phillips
Lucas Hall
literally racist caricatures
Liam Fisher
He didn't. Nate is an old man by this time and Nadine has spent her entire life, childhood included, training for combat.
Justin Watson
Why are you posting on reddit?
Lucas Cook
>beta soja cucks love LE YAS QUEEN what else is new also why tf do you care about retarditt so much
Jonathan Thomas
>Nate is an old man by this time
Nate is LITERALLY in his early 30s in this game. He's not a fucking skeleton like you guys like to pretend he is. Not just that but he's still in peak human shape. The whole game has him perform peak-human physical feats and you fuckers still have the audacity to think that "he's old!" is a valid argument. The guy doesn't even have gray hairs in the epilogue which happens at least 13 years after the events of the main game, how the fuck you gonna say he was old in the main game?
>Nadine and MUH TRAINING
Nate has also not only trained but been in fights for most of his life, he's absolutely an experienced fighter. Nadine, as already said before, doesn't use technique to beat Nate, she uses physical strength. Defeating the "she's better trained!" argument. Plus, training will only get you so far. There's no training that will let a 5'5 130 lb woman beat down 2 6'3 190 lb dudes at the same time
I don't mind her being a strong nubian goddess because every Indiana Jones adventure needs a muscle, and in this one they tried to make him into a side-character as well. I like how desperate the fights get with her because playing dirty in a tight spot is what being a treasure hunter is all about.
Having said that she's a boring-ass character and a genuinely evil person lmao fuck her. Some other girl should have been with Chloe in her game. Or better yet, a new character entirely
Nathan Wilson
>Why the fuck does Reddit love Why don't you go back and ask them you fucking profligate
Adrian Harris
I have never seen this nigger outside of threads on Zig Forums
Charles Ortiz
Honestly the Uncharted franchise is overrated as fuck. There's like only 1 good game in the whole quintology and the rest are technical achievements but just alright or downright shit.
Adam Martin
Progressives cover for each other no matter how retarded their decisions are
Aiden Nelson
3>2(close second)>1>>>>
Nicholas Bennett
Because they're supposed to.
That's it, that's the only reason.
Jose Gray
Was she really that fucking ugly? I don't remember her looking this gorilla-like, just muscular and mannish
Man for all the annoying shit in UC4 I still have a hard time fully hating it because I really like the ending. Plus after seeing what they did to Joel and Ellie in the TLOU2 leaks I'm even more glad that Nate, Sully and Elena managed to get their happy endings before Neil completely ran ND in to the ground.