>Tail = Severed!
Post pawns, rent pawns, rate pawns, talk about the adventures you had
Dragon's Dogma
>was going to restart but got sucked into decorating my house and talking with neighbors
Hmm, maybe later tonight.
do you have a class or playthrough style in mind?
i never tried MK nor Assassin before and I've had so god damn much fun as both with their parries. I can't decide if I want Instant Reset or Great Cannon so I've been switching between both classes.
So I'm a magic knight on the tome quest. I didn't go to the basement of that pawn place yet and I've been doing lots of exploring. Currently level 20 and I saw my first dragon after clearing a mine. I fled though because fuck that now I'm looking for the second piece of a tome I believe. But I'm wondering should I keep exploring or should I rush the story?
At this point I've played every class but I've never had a healer pawn. I was considering fighter/healer combo with child characters.
Guy in last thread who said to use Pommel Bash, no, it's garbage.
Jump attacks actually do damage, have at minimum the same knockdown, leave you mobile, have way more reach, and can hit the enemy on the head. Versus a little poke that doesn't do damage, has no reach, and consumes stamina.
Explore as you will, see new places and find new things. If things get hairy (like running to a dragon) you can Ferrystone to safety. You get an Eternal Ferrystone from Gran Soren's item deposit I believe.
Rushing the story / main quests might lock you out of some sidequests, if the story progresses too far before you do them they fail, so quests given by NPCs are the ones you should care about. Noticeboard quests are whatever.
You should do the quest "Lost and Found" before going to pawn basement so you get to meet the witch
my 1st character was a kid sorc, it was fun but holy hell did he fly like a twig around cyclops, ogres and strong winds
Reminder: Sword Assassin > any other class
If you do all the side stuff first the story will be pretty easy, but if you do the story stuff first you'll lock out some of the side stuff
For your first playthrough just do whatever seems most interesting at the time, leave completionism for after
Good taste.