Zig Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous Thread >Post references and names in one post
>Keep it vidya origin, no OCs
>No shitposting, bumping requests or misusing Loomis and other artist names
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>When posting a delivery PLEASE don't forget to link to the anchor post.
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW:
vidyart.booru.org/ (current)
vidyart2.booru.org/ (backup)
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!

NSFW Deliveries (excluding loli/furry content) should also be posted in
For NSFW Deliveries that go against the rules like loli/furry try these sites:
catbox.moe/ or imgur.com/

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Drawing Books and drawing programs:


Attached: 1589803652697.jpg (1200x1192, 126.2K)

Other urls found in this thread:

gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=4610011&tags=1girl 1boy fellatio ass_grab

Anchor Post.

Attached: 9e3debaf3f3d55897fd66fa63e7c3c810b9e2458.png (2049x2220, 1.69M)

Delivery from last thread

Attached: BanjoKablooie.jpg (1123x695, 244.88K)

Requesting Shygal with the Super Acorn power up giving her a flying squirrel suit

Attached: Sh.png (996x600, 249.36K)

Requesting Nina and Coco clothes swap

Attached: Refernce.png (1000x660, 725.86K)

Requesting Bowser cooking some Jiffy-pop over his stove while Bowser Jr. is yelling it him from the living room "Daaaad! Hurry up! The movie's already starting!" The Movie in question is the Live Action Super Mario Movie from 1993.

Attached: bowser-fam.jpg (529x360, 34.08K)

Requesting a slightly milfy-looking Mikoto in lingerie lying or sitting on a bed in a confidently alluring pose, as if she's begging the viewer to join her in bed.

Attached: Mikoto Fire Emblem Fates.jpg (3443x3762, 2.86M)

Requesting more Ashley bls

Attached: 1542919925997.png (400x400, 85.49K)

Requesting an animation of Peach getting prone boned for infinite 1-UPs. Sort of like a sequel to -8's Rosalina bounce and the other 1-up animation.

Attached: 1589350392123589.png (338x338, 62.19K)

Requesting a stockings wearing Ashley having fun speaking to one of her girlfriends or having phone sex.

Attached: Ashley Phone.png (1243x721, 921.97K)

Taihou winding her gramophone like cranky kong, Albacore coming in like DK with the ghetto blaster

Attached: TaihouKong.jpg (1632x1010, 350.45K)

Requesting American Psycho Kefka

Attached: Gestahlian Psycho.jpg (2279x2512, 1.31M)

Requesting possessed Adeleine getting instant loss 2koma'd by Kirby

Attached: ado.png (1200x630, 374.21K)

Requesting Iori breaking a table like in the wwe

Attached: iori 13.jpg (1743x2400, 353.45K)

requesting kat and raven from gravity rush with king cai on a leash
the idea being a hypothetical scenario in a never-ever gravity rush 3 where they find cai and try to watch over him

Attached: 1589799909119.png (1764x736, 716.66K)

No, requesting someone else.

Requesting (Last digit of post above mine) aggressively groping (last digit of post below mine)
All from Persona 5.

Attached: persona 5 girls.jpg (1024x759, 195.65K)

This but instead of that bullshit it's a pianta surfing.

Requesting Manah from Drakengard dressed in an expensive black fur coat, jeans and sneakers. Kinda like this imgur.com/a/DgpneBK but without the hat. Also, have her wear sunglasses that are kinda angled lower so her red eyes are partly visible like in the reference pic. Please and thank you.

Attached: MVN.png (934x934, 1.84M)

Requesting humanized King Olly.
Preferably flamboyant and sinister.

Attached: Origami King.png (1200x900, 807.54K)

Requesting either Bremerton squatting or sitting and seen from the back, focus on her t-back and big ass, Bremerton in a cute plain dress, or trying to zip up her jacket and failing.

Attached: Screenshot_20200330-225655.jpg (2400x1080, 2.23M)

requests for this bunny?

Attached: funny.jpg (682x956, 132.76K)

requesting this chart done with these helltaker characters

Attached: download (23).jpg (6897x1455, 1.78M)

Requesting Julianne getting ambushed by Dana for a bout of rough non-consensual sex at first before melting into passionate lovemaking.
Some pose/setting refs.

Attached: Roughed Up Julianne.png (713x906, 757.35K)

Don't say someone else, give me a name!

sitting on THAT bench
you know the one

Make your own request then

implying you don't piggyback other people's requests all the time

Badass ninja Cream.

Unless you wanna draw her jerking off her huge futa cock, no

Requesting my MMO character from the game "Mabinogi" wearing her Long Battle Maid Outfit, floating or very slowly falling on a dark space/black colored background, being surrounded and illuminated by the light of shiny, colorful music notes floating around her.

Character Reference: i.imgur.com/fdxo87C.png

Alternatively, relaxing and playing fancy instruments like pic related.

No lewd allowed, it will be ignored, instantly rejected and sealed away.

Please and thanks!

Attached: musical.png (2516x754, 3.06M)

Why does Zig Forums love Ashley so much?

Doing a sex kick.

fuck off autist.

Requesting Captain Falcon with a full beard, helmet either on or off. Bonus if he's older and has some gray streaks in it.

Attached: 1588281956409.jpg (239x135, 6.25K)

As a criminal

Attached: bunny_bank_robbers.jpg (600x405, 70.27K)

What letter comes after B?

Great job

The fuck are you smoking?

Requesting Fran in fancy beach attire. Something like on the bottom reference would be my suggestion, though anything goes.

Attached: Beachbunny Fran - FFXII.jpg (2291x2823, 1.1M)

That doesn't work. There's ten of them and six slots. You didn't give any inclination of who goes where either. Think more and try again furry

Requesting Switch-Tan in her black bodysuit giving a blowjob in this position:
gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=4610011&tags=1girl 1boy fellatio ass_grab

Attached: 112.png (795x795, 184.52K)

Attached: Irene.gif (700x573, 1.81M)

I guess because she is cute.

Requesting Jill getting ready to torture HUNK for information.

Attached: Rough Jill.png (733x803, 641.75K)

Shes cute man. Plus the C word

hey, its the monthy Rommi post

Resident evil 4 was pretty good, and a lot of people who didn't play any of them still like the "No way fag" meme

Dunno if you saw my response but thank you user, that turned out as hilarious as I'd hoped

Requesting lineart, but also evening out the height of the tits.

Attached: ESdiO-mWsAA8ibe.jpg (1974x2401, 468.03K)

Requesting Joanna Dark in the nitty gritty side of being a government agent. Doing something like staging someone's suicide or clearing evidence while appropriately dressed including gloves and a hairnet

Attached: JD.png (1091x758, 1.05M)


Requesting lewds of Orphea (in her slacker look).

Attached: Orphea Slacker Skin HotS.jpg (3000x1362, 492.13K)

Requesting Shuten Douji buttjob.

Attached: 15869402362101.jpg (1582x1582, 191.31K)

Requesting Pit giving Medusa a big ol' hug

Attached: pit medusa hug.png (2384x960, 1.72M)

did not expect two good ashley deliveries
well done

Requesting Chie in full ninja/burglar garb breaking into a museum or dojo to mess around with an ancient ceremonial/samurai sword.

Attached: Chie Swordplay.png (1286x690, 979.07K)

Bellydancer Honolulu with face veil and the works

Attached: HonoluluSchool.png (573x1024, 496.28K)

Painfully thicc

Attached: tmg-article_tall.jpg (640x640, 20.36K)

Requesting Laetitia from Lobotomy Corporation having one of her bells fall off during an attachment session, causing her head to become lopsided from the shift in weight and eventually falling over onto her face, causing a bad result.

Attached: Bells.png (1431x1428, 1.06M)

>can’t adjust for the number and for personalities
room temp IQ post

But shes anime

Reisz from Trials of Mana in the FGO Dangerous Beast costume with a paw-top spear, green instead of purple

Attached: dangerousvalkyrie.jpg (1200x2868, 730.22K)

Requesting any of the reference characters as twitch thots.
Bonus points for chat and the skimpiest clothes you can think of.

Attached: 1589251068521.png (1136x2232, 1.85M)

That's your job basement leech

You forgot about Kingdom Hearts, dummy

Attached: aqua-kingdom-hearts-8cf9b5a5-6f26-4057-ba50-abed8b979b2-resize-750.png (750x1003, 129.93K)


Stop posting her I want to forget her.

Not as if there's only one character ever named Aqua

Attached: Aqua.png (430x660, 411.81K)

np bud the prompt made me laugh

Requesting this with Tails and Rouge or Crash and Coco

Attached: 1589412852197.png (2209x6823, 3.81M)

trying on her mom's dress

Requesting an older and more filled out Fuuka seducing a guy in her college dorm like this scene from Somersault. With surprising confidence.

Attached: Not Shy Fuuka.png (954x762, 815.53K)

Bombergirls suck. Except for pine

Requesting younger Palla stripped down to her spats & fucked.

Attached: PallaFEH.png (2400x1965, 3.91M)

Requesting Bo Jackson celebrating a super bowl victory by fucking Marie Rose in the reverse suspended congress position.

Attached: tecmo.png (1204x1139, 1M)

Give huge titty Ashley requests


Obviously referring to the weeb name of Dancina.

Attached: 56bcf4b50368f759b78c592ed0224ec3.png (1600x1920, 2.76M)

Requesting pic with Phoenix Wright as the guy and Maya Fey as the girl

Attached: 397ba30fa4e3ac4f21fae31a160e1c4250-25-pete-davidson-ariana-grande.2x.w710.jpg (1420x1386, 348.29K)