Hitman Thread

How does Zig Forums feel about the Hitman series?

Attached: hitman-0.jpg (1280x720, 271.3K)

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Dumb AI. Breaks the purpose of the game style.

Bangkok sucks


Attached: Hitman 2 Briefcase.webm (852x480, 965K)

enforcers ruin the new ones desu

Attached: 1588281671761.jpg (960x540, 83.58K)

briefcase is the best thing about nu-hitman

still hate the scripted AI though, wish opportunities were on a timer and if you miss your window, you miss your window

I used to like them. Bought the first of the two new ones but it's not really good... I can see the target through walls at all times and the rest is basically a waiting game between scripted events. Even all the stuff you can do is listed and marked.

Dunno, maybe I'm fooling myself with the old games. Is it all nostalgia?

Ain't enjoyed a game this much in a long time (Hitman 2 that is). I'm fine with the game being as is but if they're gonna change things up I'm flexible. It's really a one of a kind franchise so the only standard here is Hitman's own. Also I've only very briefly played the original trilogy (Hitman 1 excluded) so I'm really not an expert on what makes Hitman "Hitman". Yep, I'm a perfect bambi
Also also, friendly reminder that Imperial Classic best suit

Attached: imperialclassicgloves.gif (960x324, 756.54K)

Blood Money is still the GOAT, if that's what you're asking.

>Is it all nostalgia?