I always thought this was the most fun of the 3. What are your thoughts, user?
Metroid Prime 2:
well it is the greatest game of all time
I don't play games with female protagonists
imagine being this much of a fucking weirdo holy fuck, lmaoing @ your pathethic misogynic life
I like the music in Prime 2 a lot, it's cooooomfy
Its my personal favorite.
Most people seem to hate it and I can understand why, but it will always be my favorite of the prime trilogy.
2 has the best boss fights, but I enjoyed the level design in 1 way more. Didn't like anything about 3.
Echoes has the most kino aesthetic of the entire franchise. Retro didn't have Miyamoto breathing down their neck like in the first game, so they were free to make it their own.
too much backtracking for me.
1/3/2/literal dogshit/other m
The voiced dialogue in 3 was absolute cringe. Really, really hope they abstain from that shit in 4.
Hell yeah, quadraxis was my favorite of all 3 games.
I understand that, the backtracking does get pretty tiresome. I've replayed them so much though that I don't get lost as easily anymore.
I don't remember it nearly as well as MP1, it could be one of those games I played when I was particularly stoned or otherwise distracted.
This is clearly illustrated and anyone who gets stuck here is legitimately retarded
>Metroid Prime 2
Play a better game...
It has the worst head model
Agree, it's disgusting. Even the ugly one in Prime 1 would be better than the garbage they made for 2
>Miyamoto breathing down their neck
weren't nintendo really hands off for the first one but also demand significant but unclear changes whenever there was a milestone review?
Prime 2 has better combat but Prime 1 has better pacing and exploration. Both games make up for each others' flaws.
3 is the odd duck of the trilogy and my least favourite but I still like it. At least once I get past the fucking intro.
nintendo seemed to be most involved with 1 given the amount of heads working on prime 1. They also shoved hypermode in 3 when retro was against it and are likely the reason the game took its more linear approach. Prime 2 was the most hands off of the three
Yeah, this. IIRC Miyamoto had a lot of input on the first game, making sure that it would hold up to nintendo standards. Didn't he say something weird that inspired the visor idea?
>the ugly one in Prime 1
something about what if samus had the head of a bug. Tanabe also suggested tutorials and lore be integrated into the scanner. Not much is known about prime 1's development or any retro game for that matter
Ugly because it clashes pretty hard with her suit when you see it, imo. Otherwise it looks good
>*blocks your path*
came here to write this
The outlined silhouette of these guys when you're in the Light World creeped me out pretty badly when I was a kid. Especially since they're so deathly still and completely removed from the context that you'll be hunting them later.
Huh? I don't remember seeing them in the light world.
If you use the dark visor you can see them
That's crazy. I never know that was possible.
How the fuck do I get past this room? I can't jump without touching the spikes
I used to not like it but I really grew on me when I played it again. I still think prime 1 is better though
Yeah whenever you get one of the warriors testaments you can find them
When you're in the light world version of the respective Dark Aether rooms that they're encountered in and inspect the section of the room where they'd normally be hidden, you'll see a still red outline of them that you can't interact with whatsoever. It's supposed to be a hint to the fact that you need to be at that specific point in the dark world so that you can actually locate and destroy them.
2's the only one I haven't played